In order to establish a dialogue between local government and Roma minority, Mizia Municipality developed Integration of Roma Minority Program . Related issues in the field incited the municipal administration to define measures and activities for solving problems .
Lead by the desire to facilitate citizens and private businesses in the building of the Municipal Administration, the Municipality of Svishtov opened a Front Office. The newly provided services significantly facilitate the cooperation between citizens and the municipal administration.
The Municipality of Svishtov has engaged in facilitating the use of the municipal administrative services. In coordination with this promise, given to citizens and local businesses, the internet site of the municipality created a new section E-Municipality . It provides information and schedules for citizens and juridical persons that lead to increasing the effectiveness of the citizens-municipality interaction.
The specific geographic and economic status of Antonovo Municipality require flexible innovative practices of cooperation between state authority, institutions and citizens in decision - making processes referring to key issues in community life .
Bad transportation and information connections require work at the spot , dialogue, cooperation, good will and tolerance between ethnic groups and aiming at effective and efficient management and customer services .
Through fair, efficient and transparent government we try to unite with citizens of the Municipality and institutions to build a modern municipality, to improve the authority of the local self - government.
Small Parliaments project was developed on the base of the fact that in municipalities of Vetovo and Ivanovo, region of Rousse, two thirds of the municipal councilors are newly-elected and have no experience in the team discussion and decision-making processes .
The project includes training of municipal councilors within three modules Teamwork , Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development , each of them consisting of various topics as follows : leadership , conflict resolution , debates , priority identification , project development , result monitoring, etc .
Through fair, efficient and transparent government we try to unite with citizens of the Municipality and institutions to build a modern municipality , to improve the authority of the local self - government.