Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


Social Activities

Social service for children with special needs are offered by different institutions in the municipality - health care, educational, social institutions etc. However, all this is fragmented, each one looking from its own professional point of view. It is necessary to build a local partners' group for planning social services for the children by means of coordinating the work and resources of the different insitutitions and NGOs. Thus they will have a shared vision for service development, based on the community needs, rather than be the product of an administrative body.

Innovator: -
Publication Date: 28 February 2003
Nominations: 28

The Union for revival and development implemented a project with young people, based on the assumption that peers can communicate best and most effectively. Young participants in the project are provided with knowlede and skill's abour labour legislation, allpying for a job, and labour market possibilities. They acquire skills to lead training with their peers and lead discussions on issues related to finding a job or further education.course. They took part in developing teaching materials and interactive lessons.

В работата по проекта, осъществен в широко партньорство, Съюзът за възстановяване и развитие се основава на презумцията, че връстниците могат да комуникират най-добре и най-ефективно по между си. На младежите участници в проекта се предоставя шанса да се запознаят със законодателството и възможностите на пазара на труда, и да придобият и развиват лекторски умения като обучават свои връстници от други училища. Те разработват ръководство и обучителни материали за своите връстници, провеждат срещи в общността, обменят положителни практики и идеи за решаване на конкретни казуси.

Innovator: -
Publication Date: 28 February 2003
Nominations: 2

Since spring 2003 specialists from the Municipal Center for Social Services and Acitvities provides information about the services stipulated by the Social Aid Act and the Regulation for applying it, as well as services offered by the Home Social Care, Pensioner's Club, Disabled People's Club and other related bodies.

Innovator: -
Publication Date: 28 February 2003
Nominations: 23

Take me Home Project II aims at de-institutionalising children's care from 0 to 3 years of age in the Municipality of Rousse by using new approaches in social work. This includes flexible forms of assistance to families in risk, by involving actively the family and encourage taking responsibility. The project has two main lines: Prevention and Reintegration.

Innovator: -
Publication Date: 28 February 2003
Nominations: 6

The Municipality of Sliven was the first one in Bulgaria to become employer of two people from the local organization of people with physical disabilities. They work at the Center for Information and Adminsitrative Services in Sliven, Sector Economic Development and Municipal Property.

Innovator: -
Publication Date: 28 February 2003
Nominations: 1

Center Maria is a non-governmental organization defending the woman's point of view towards violence. Its mission is to render immediate assistance and emotional support to women and children suffering from harrassment. The Association works for raising the awareness of the public, the institutions, and the experts to violence on women and children, and to change public attitudes towards promoting amendments to existing legislation.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 15 July 2002
Nominations: 20

The Project creates conditions for establishing a working institution in aid of children at risk. It offers more information and raises the social awareness of the problems with children s delinquency, juvenile anti social behavior and develops the forms of early prevention through a system of activities coordinating the efforts of specialists.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 01 July 2002
Nominations: 29

The replacement of ID papers is extremely important for people in disadvantaged condition. From Human Point of View is a project implemented under FLGR s Improving the Social Environment Program, with financial support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The project provides timely individual assistance to complement and ease the administrative services related to the replacement of ID papers of people in helpless condition and also enhances these people s social integration in the local community.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 2

Guided by the belief that the care for children s health must be a priority nowadays, Ikar Association has offered specialized services to children with vertebral distortion, coming mainly from poor families, as well as orphans. This has helped meeting an accute specific need of a vulnerable social group. Physicians, pedagogues and children have focused their attention on the early detection and prevention of deviations, the most common of which is scoliosis.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 4

The project creates the necessary coordination and synchonization between institutions working on the problems of drug use and drug dealing. To cope with the problem a Public Anti-Drug Council was set up on the territory of the municipality. Furthermore, new, more attractive forms of prevention have been sought, which are closer to the young people.
Innovator: -
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 19
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