The aim of the project is to improve the development and well-being of children in the early childhood (0-7 years) in Bulgaria by introducing an integrated health and social approach to their care.
Project of the Year of a Non-Governmental Organization in the Social Sphere 2018
The main objective of the project was to establish the library as a community center for acquiring important social and educational knowledge and skills.
Partners: Targovishte Club of Non-profit Organizations, Probuda 1928 Chitalishte - Ralitsa village, Buditel - 1927 Chitalishte - Bayachevo Village
The main objective of the project was to create the conditions for more successful integration of students from ethnic minorities who have dropped out or are threatened to drop out of the educational process by enhancing their motivation for inclusion in the educational process and providing opportunities for physical, personal development.
The practice received First place in the Best Practice in Bulgarian Local Self-Governments 2016/2017, category III. Social innovation and partnerships
The practice is aimed at the elderly people from the small settlements in the municipality of Veliko Tarnovo and is based on complex methods of crime prevention and reduction of the risk of social exclusion.
The practice received Second place in the Best Practice in Bulgarian Local Self-Governments 2016/2017, category III. Social innovation and partnerships
In October 2016 the first in Bulgaria Crisis Centre for Combating Fires and Disasters was opened in the village of Ovcha Mogila, municipality of Svishtov. The aim of the crisis centre is to react quickly and adequately to address emergency situations in the more remote settlements of the municipality.
Association for the blind and handicapped “Ahuri”
MAIN AIM: to support the protection of the mental health of the most vulnerable social groups in the conditions of an economic crisis – blind people, the needy and the unemployed.
Activities were mainly directed towards:
- developing the community capacity for support of children and adolescents at risk and the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach
- developing the capacity of the Social centre for children and families and presenting quality and accessible programs for children at risk and their families