Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Life without vertebral distortions
Ikar Association - Haskovo

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In economically difficult times the municipality cannot organize groups for curative physical exercises in schools to be able to meet the needs and continue the practice of previous years. At the same time the official data shows that the number of children with vertebral distortion is increasing. The reasons for this social medical condition could be found in the unhealthy diet, the lack of extensive sport activities among the youth, the uncomfortable furniture at schools, insufficient light and other. Association Care is trying to meet the needs by offering special corrective exercises with a qualified specialist and under the observation of an orthopedician.

Due to the fact that the health insurance company does not cover the treatment of children with vertebral distortions, parents are forced to seek the paid services of physiotherapeutic and kinetic therapy offices. However, considering the mass unemployment in the region, very few of them are able to afford it. The free correction program, built on a specific method by a specialist with long term experience, has given the children from socially disadvantages families and orphans the opportunity to obtain real care for their health.

Groups for curative physical exercises were formed for children from 6 to 18 year of age, directed by their family doctor or by an orthopedist. They practiced group and individual exercises according to their diagnosis and age, did gymnastics at an indoor pool and participated in other activities for strenghting the spine as well as of the entire physical and psychological state.

For the first time a Non-government organization in the region offered this kind of service, and it was met with great interest and trust. The innovative practice started after the association received financing from the Foundation For Local Government Reform as part of the Improvement of the social environment program. After the end of the project the association managed to receive new financing from (FPBB) as part of the Partners program. The team has worked for two years now for the realization of the activities in cooperation with school medicians, pedagogues, (HEI) and Asen Zlatarov House that provided a gymnasium. The association has encountered compassion and willingness to help on behalf of the ( Haskovo BT), that offered a swimming pool for use, as well as of the private business Sarnela and Markom . The project received very active help from the municipality of Haskovo and the parents of the treated children. The association also valued the support of the Foundation For Local Government Reform and (FBPP), the assistants of which encouraged us at the different stages of the project.

The iplementation of the project has yielded visible results, proven by medical examinations and x-ray. The children gradually corrected their posture and walk, improved their self-esteem in the time of their growing and personality formation. Children developed habits for regular physical activities, which is beneficial to their health. Thanks to the project four children avoided surgery, and seven more received medical stays. The number of children included in the project reached 160.

The practice could be applied in other municipalities and regions in Bulgaria and the system designed could be easily multiplied. Parents from all over the country, have learned about the project from the media and other sources, called the Association for help. This is a proof that the problem with vertebral distortion is largely spread throughout the country.

The Practice managed to increase the attention of parents, teachers, and school physicians towards prevention and early detection of vertebral distortions as a factor for their faster correction. The importance of the project was increased by the fact that the World Health Organization has announced the fight against bone and kinetic diseases to be a priority until the year 2010. As a representative of the NGO sector, the team felt satisfaction that it had found a problem that was difficult to notice but has serious effects on the health of the nation.
Innovator: Antoaneta Stancheva
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 4
Antoaneta Stancheva
Executive Director
Haskovo - 6300
23, Otets Paisii St.
Tel:(038) 3 61 70



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