Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
All together against drugs
"St. St. Cyril and Methodius" Culture Centre (Chitalishte)

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Situated on a railroad way and highway E80 connecting Istanbul and Europe, the town of Parvomai is more than a favorable environment for widespread distribution of narcotic substances. The statistics in the region shows that the people using and selling drugs, are getting progressively younger. There have been several death cases of child drug users within the last two years. These disturbing facts call for serious preventive work among the youths, as well as among their parents and teachers.

Charles Stuart Mott Foundation financed the project through the Foundation for Local Government Reform. It started in April 2001 and lasted for four months. To the middle of May an Information Center was built and equipped with a computer, a printer, a copy machine and Internet. А preliminary survey was conducted with 878 youths at the age of 12 to 18 years. Work plans were developed by all schools in the Municipality with the cooperation of the Education Directorate. Project assistants delivered lectures on different kinds of narcotics and their effects in all classes from 5th to 12th grade. The Information Center and the Juvenile Pedagogical Service supplied the materials for the lectures. The Center also provided a list of contact telephones and addresses of specialists and medical institutions, specialized in the field of fighting drugs. This information was given to all schools and released on the local cable TV channel Evrokom Parvomai. The project assistants made a filing cabinet, including art and scientific books and articles on narcotics, and bought some new titles on the subject. The Information Center produced two leaflets Advice for Parents and Advice for Teenagers and the brochure With care and action: advice for parents . A group of child leaders produced a brochure entitled One drug problem . The Center prepared and conducted three surveys one with parents and two with students.

As part of the project, Vladimir Ampov Grafa, actors from the Kardjali Theatre and children from Parvomai took part in a charity concert; аn action for making high-risk places safe was implemented. The Evrokom cable TV channel broadcast the movie Endless Night .

Working with a group of young leaders turned out to be very interesting and hеlpful. In the course of ten meetings, the children expanded their knowledge about narcotic substances and the effects of their use. Group trainings debated on situations like: How to say NO to drugs? , What should I do if I understand that a friend of mine uses drugs? . Discussions on the following topics were held: Should soft drugs be legalized? , Is a society without narcotics possible? , How to help families affected by drugs? , Is there an alternative to drugs? . The participants gave their proposals for ensuring stability of the project results. During the days off, the children held meetings with their friends by themselves and took part in the discussions already initiated. Each meeting was replayed with new participants. Тhe Social Council coordinated the work and kept all project partners timely informed. During the project a number of very useful contacts were made: with Culture Centre Yordan Yovkov Dobrich, Regional Association of Municipalities Trakia , Bulgarian Youth Red Cross Plovdiv division, Bulgarian Red Cross Plovdiv and Sofia, Hygiene and Epidemiological Institute Plovdiv, National Center for Drug Abuse, etc. The project coordinator participated in the national scientific and practical conference Together against drugs , held in Plovdiv on 1 June, 2001.

The end of the project did not mean an end of the work on drug prevention. In schools students have been organizing debates on the subject. At Asen Zlatarov High School, a chemistry night called Asen Zlatarov and chemistry's delusive pleasures was held. Students, teachers and a doctor from the Medical Center took part in a meeting on alcohol and cigarettes bad effects. The accident at the Indigo Discotheque in Sofia provoked a discussion Young people control or self-control . A seminar for additional training of young leaders was stipulated. The Municipal Council voted finances for the repairment of the tennis court at the St. St. Cyril and Metodij Primary School, and for building а volleyball playground.
Innovator: Emilia Angelova
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 19
Emilia Angelova
Project Coordinator
Parvomai - 4270
7, Orfei St.
Tel:(0336) 23 95, 41 28, 4028



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