Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
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January 2006: Innovative Practices Competition
16.01.2006 16:20

FLGR announced Innovative Practices Competition on the following topic: Local Economic Development Initiatives. Eligible to participate in the competition are municipalities and non-government organizations, as well as their civil and business partners.

The deadline for receiving innovative practices is January 25, 2006. At the beginning of February 2006 FLGR will award the Innovation Practices Winner!

The innovative practices collected within the Subject Innovative Practices Competition will participate at the end of the year in the 2006 Annual Innovative Municipality Competition. The Foundation's award is given to municipalities that shared innovative practices in different areas of local self-government.

The current competition is open for the following practices:

- Initiatives focused on the proactive role of local governments in economic development process;
- Developing long-term economic development plan and defining municipality priorities in joining partners on local level - business and NGOs;
- Partnership with business and successful public-private partnerships;
- Business support - developing business and attracting new investments;
- Local government marketing - developing marketing program and marketing materials, as well as applying alternative marketing instruments;
- Applying business licenses and permits in order to facilitate business work.

2007 Annual Input
03.01.2008, 16:59
2006 Innovative Municipality
23.08.2006, 15:57

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