Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


The absence of nonmaterial incentives that would improve the motivation of municipal employees, the need for evaluation and encouragement for quality performance and recognition for efforts made, as well as limited finances in Svishtov Municipality have generated the concept of introducing nonmaterial incentives. Achievements in the area to date are minimal but are a step forward in the development of a modern employee incentives program, consistent with current standards.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 34
The municipality of Ivanovo considers the questions of ecology to be the most important problems which the municipal management and the public have to solve. The municipality prepares the action Plan "Environment-Health," and outlines in it the priority actions and aims of the municipal management, firms, institutions and population on questions related to environmental protection and to eco-education of the population.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 6

The need for investments compels the organization of an investment business forum "Do business in Dobrudja." The enterprises from the town and region are presented at the forum and foreign companies and investors are attracted. Business contacts are signed and foreign companies invest successfully .5 billion a year in the light industry of Dobrich.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 6

In February 1997 the Regional Club of the Bulgarian Association for Fair Elections and Civil Rights (BAFECR) - Veliko Turnovo started a project, which is now more popular as the Citizens` Telephone Project. Through this telephone, the citizens of Veliko Turnovo submit more than 1190 questions to the municipal administration and 987 of them receive answer through the so called Open Studios.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 7
In order to create an open dialogue with the citizens of the city, the Mayor of the Municipality of Smolian introduces Annual Reports to the Citizens from the very beginning of his mandate and one year after monthly reports of the Mayors of Mayoralities. This practice encourages the process of information exchange on particular municipal problems and at the same time creates basic stimulus for their solution; the practice also establishes a policy of transparency of the municipal activities.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 6

The introduction of the Axter - Municipal Licenses software pack has lead to full transparency in the process of granting alcohol and tobacco products trade licenses and transport delivery services licenses. The structure and the organization of the activity for overall control in the process of issuing licenses does not allow misappropriations or illegal acts from both municipal clerks or unconscientious citizens. The input of wrong company or person information is made impossible.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 14
The Municipalities of Tutrakan and Oltenitsa extend the cooperation between them due to increased frequency of travels and contacts between Bulgarian and Romanian citizens and businesspersons. A Mutual Agreement for Cooperation and Assistance between the Municipal Councils and administrations of both municipalities is signed in all possible fields economics, infrastructure, ecology and culture. An exchange of information between the municipal administration and the municipal councils is taking place.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 8
The Municipality of Sevlievo managed to attract American Standard Ltd., which invested over $ 40 mln. in a factory on the territory of the municipality. Since the municipal management already possesses a good deal of experience in attracting foreign investments, it managed to attract new investments through the Phare Program in 1998 (to build an animal marketplace in Sevlievo) and DM 4 mln. more from the Swiss Company ABB (for reconstruction, new technologies and information systems for the electrical factory ABB-Avanguard -- Sevlievo).
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 18

For the purposes of home address registration with DDHA, the idea has been implemented in Varna of establishing a clear audit track and document processing on the spot. The maintenance of the City s street address data base has been taken upstream to DDHA units, thereby eliminating almost entirely the chance of error in home address registration.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 5
The financial strategy of any organization is surely one of the most important indicators of its activities. The transparency of the financial planning process helps to gain public understanding and rally support for the City s efforts. A municipal staff team is currently involved in the development of an information program to raise local public awareness of the existing legal framework and the structure and implementation of the local budget. The first of a whole series of publications has been a brochure informing the local public about the 1998 Local Budget Report.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 7
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