Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Young Elhovo young Europe
"St. Kliment Ohridski" High School

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It is a fact that in a little municipality the information that young people and the whole community have about the mission of the European Union and the process of its expansion is insufficient. The society, the organizations and firms neither have enough information about the European structures. A decision was taken, that through series of events, in which the young would participate as volunteers, this deficiency would be filled.


Creation of a School Euro Center

The center is situated in high school St. Kliment Ohridski . After the creation of the Euro Center 312 young people have profited from the services it offers. Information was provided about: the aims, the structures and the mission of the European Union; the process of European integration and the accompanying activities; Youth Euro forums; positive practices for the participation and the role of young people in taking decisions on local level; open programs of the European Union, financing youth activities and initiations. 10 young volunteers joined in exercising the services of the center. The Youth Euro Center was equipped with computers, a printer, a projection screen, an overhead projector, a telephone, a magnetic board.

Publishing youth euro bulletins

The aim of the bulletin was the popularization of the project activities for the time of its implementation. 3 numbers of bulletins were printed (once in every 2 months) with circulation of 300 copies and were spread to all of the schools, Community Centers, libraries and other educational institutions, non-government and business organizations, media on the territory of Elhovo, as well as to the administrations of the neighbour municipalities of Elhovo in order to popularize the activities and results of the project.

Trainings Europe and us

The training's goal was the increase of information about the European Union and the process of European integration among young people. They were carried out on two levels: trainings of focus group; trainings wider audience.

Organizing Youth Euro Days

This was the culmination of the project implementation. Within 5 days the attention of the society was focused on the European idea. In the framework of the Euro days were organized: a competition for student essay on the theme Young Elhovo Young Europe; mini-exhibition of firms; a discussion forum Elhovo on the road to Europe Promotion/Presentation of the film Young Elhovo Young Europe.

Shooting a documentary film

All activities on the project were shot on a film in order to popularize them through the cable television Strandja and other media, as well as to ensure the long term exploitation of the gained experience as a model of young people s participation in the process of popularization the aims and politics of the European Union.

On the base of its membership in the Regional association of the municipalities Trakia , the Municipality of Elhovo received a qualified expert help for the realization of some of the activities on the project.

On the grounds of the protocol for fraternization between the Municipality of Elhovo and the Turkish Municipality of Lalapasha the results and the good practices from the realization of the project will be spread and used as a base of future common activities in the domain of European integration.


Euro Center for information and services in the area of European integration was established. After the creation of the Euro Center 312 youths have profited from the services it offers.

50 youths passed trainings about the process of expansion of the European Union. Youth Euro days were organized, over 300 people participated in the discussion of the role of the citizens in the process of joining. A 30 minutes documentary film was shot. 3 numbers of youth bulletins were printed. The young people in the Municipality of Elhovo gained self- confidence, the whole community was provided with the so much needed information on the questions of European integration.

Innovator: Krassimira Petkova
Publication Date: 02 September 2005
Nominations: 0
Krassimira Petkova
Elhovo - 8700




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