Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The project idea resolved a problem, identified by Public Forum, including representatives of different social strata, as a priority in the sphere of education. In the beginning of the joint activities, the project partners analyzed the problems of the Bulgarian education and concluded the following: complicating of the social interaction evokes conflicts that multiply in time, causing poor communication inside and between the different groups teachers, students, and parents. Hence, there is a necessity of specialized help in solving intra- and inter-personal problems. In the same time, there is not enough knowledge or skills among the school personnel to develop models and strategies for effective communication and prevention of violence and addictions among the students. Only four of eighteen schools on the territory of the Municipality of Svishtov have employed a pedagogical counselor. Due to the lack of demanding of psychological help, there is a strong barrier in front of the troubled persons to share their problems with a psychologist. The project includes individual psychological consultations, as well as training and education in natural environment for each social group teachers, parents and students. It aims to sustain open communication relations, both indirect, such as Internet and telephone options, and direct lectures and trainings.


The Center for psychological consulting and therapy An Open Door was officially opened on February 18, 2004 in the Town of Svishtov. Financed by SHARS and the Municipality of Svishtov, it received public support by Public Forum Svishtov, Foundation of Local Government Reform, and Balkan Assist. The services offered at the Center are free of charge. It functions in two main directions: educational improving social knowledge, and psychological consulting. The work of the Center aims to improve the quality of life, trying to teach each individual to concentrate on themselves, identify their own problems and find solutions. Reducing social conflicts naturally leads to increasing the effectiveness of the Center activity. The Center works both with groups and individuals, activating their potential to cope with life s difficulties and emotional unbalance, before they turn into serious problems. Professionals provide information that helps people to better understanding of their own personalities, reactions and reasons, which cause a particular behavior. This way, the program teaches an effective interpersonal socialization. Prevention of the various forms of addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, authority dependence), as well as the actual consideration demonstrated in the process of consulting lead to reduce of juvenile delinquency, school absences, and better appreciation of the use of education. If a person knows their strong and weak sides, they are able to make choices and take responsibility for their actions.

Main goals of the project:

- to form tolerance in individual and group communication;

- to offer psychological support in resolving personal problems;

- to refine on social behavior, aiming reduce of human suffering and achievement of successful social adaptation;

Project steps:

- opening a Center for psychological consulting and therapy An Open Door ;

- offering possibilities for support in resolving of individual and group conflicts in the sphere of emotions and communication;

- improving social knowledge of student, parents, and teachers communities though group trainings, lead by professionals;

- set diagnosis for professional orientation of students;

Project partners:

- Municipality of Svishtov provided premises and equipment for the Center;

- Bureau of Labor provided information on the current labor market, participated in orientating students towards their future professional career, financed engaging a psychologist, sociologist and a coordinator for the Center, as a part of the Employment Program.

- Department of Social Support participated in the project working with children and their families;

- Municipality schools of Svishtov provided premises for project seminars and trainings and participated in all activities;

- Local cable TV programs and printed editions.

Such initiatives are extremely useful for small towns and municipalities. The project partners share the opinion that psychological prophylactics and extending the knowledge of the different social and age groups, forming skills for effective communication and understanding the individual differences are basic preconditions not only for psychological health, but also for building stable relationships and tolerance. The project tried to overcome the existing barrier in front of the troubled persons to share their problems with a psychologist.

National, regional, and local media supported the project. Large publicity campaign included distribution of fliers and posters that informed the local community about the project goals and activities and ways to contact the opening Center.


The Center gathered great popularity in and outside of the Municipality of Svishtov in spite of its short period of existing. By the end of August 2004, there were nine trainings for improvement of social knowledge and stress reduce among teachers; seven seminars with students on topics, chosen by the participants themselves friendship, successful life strategies, communication tolerance, etc.; and two trainings for good parenting. The Center team passed three educational courses, lead by professionals.

The large number of participants, as well as their high evaluation of the services and information provided, are the main criteria for the successful work of the Center. Around 91 teachers, 100 students, and 62 parents took part in the project activities. More than 200 people received individual psychological consulting in around 280 sessions.

The project work proved especially useful in the terms of interactive methods. Therefor, the team emphasized on group work. Teachers highly benefit from this approach, since they could freely use their newly developed skills in creating positive school environment and directing students towards paying attention to their feelings and emotions, developing the ability in them to share the problems of their joint work and looking for solutions.

The main problem of the consulted youngsters is bad parenting and neglecting the problems of the children. Adults experienced problems related to overbearing employer, stress, and insufficient skills for self-analyses and choosing a successful life strategy.

The Center team took active part in handling the psychological consequences of the tragic event on April 4, 2004, when 12 children of Svishtov died. This event one more time proved the Center as a public necessity.

In cooperation with the Center sociologist, students prepared a questionnaire, including issues on the crisis of teachers authority among students. The activity included a Research of the authority influence among graduating students . The results were published in the local newspapers.

Publication Date: 21 March 2005
Nominations: 2

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