Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Developing local self - government in Bulgaria and priorities of Dobrich being a city , which actively develops its international relationships and enriches contacts , as well as envisaging the future EU accession impose activating partnerships with municipalities , which function in general European context and develop more close relationships . Having in mind the geographical location and established contacts between Chambers of commerce of cities of Dobrich and Mangalia aiming at developing trans - border cooperation , in spring 2004 preliminary conversations for exchange of formal delegations from both sides were carried out . After reaching agreement on the schedule of forthcoming visits in Dobrich a delegation from an NGO in Mangalia arrived. Among all ideas discussed with the mayor s team in Dobrich are ideas referring to participation in joint projects, utilizing EU funds as well as cultural cooperation. The Federation of Employers from all Dobrudja territory seated in Mangalia planned to establish an Association of Employers from the Romanian city . The purpose is to establish joint Bulgarian - Romanian societies in the field of trade services and culture .


The schedule of the Bulgarian delegation included meetings with the mayor s team in Mangalia , representatives of business and cultural sector . The first meeting was carried out between deputy mayors from Dobrich and Mangalia municipalities . Both sides expressed confidence in partnership envisaging the coming EU memberships . Municipality City of Dobrich searches for a Romanian partner in the process of implementation of a project on improving the infrastructure in the business zones , and Mangalia prepares a project on establishing an industrial park . The common goal is improving communications between two regions and initiating trans-border cooperation through joint efforts in projects and programmes .

Both municipalities can cooperate in continuing the process of formation of citizen communities and the process of euro-integration through active and purposeful promotion of positive experience in the region in the process of implementing European practices .

It is necessary to use the potential to enlarge contacts between citizens of both municipalities , between business groups and non - governmental organizations . Both sides agreed on the need of additional efforts on behalf of local and regional authorities towards involving citizens in discussing and implementing projects on trans - border cooperation . A bi-lateral promotion of cultural traditions of both municipalities was also negotiated .

Conclusions :

  • Both managerial staffs are aware of the potential provided by the decentralized trans - border cooperation . In order to benefit of this and to transform it into a significant factor for development , they should direct their efforts into several directions : information provision for all stakeholders, public discussions of ideas on cooperation , citizen participation in development and implementation of projects .
  • Management of the process of trans - border cooperation imposes one more requirement for local authorities of both sides to approach this process as to a serious involvement regarding all consequences coordination between regions and mutual respect of specifics of both sides .

Four talented orphans, scholarship students of the Dobrich Club Maychina Grizha have the opportunity to travel to the Romanian resort for one week ;

The Romanian school Kalatis stated its readiness to mediate in the process of establishing contacts between Bulgarian and Romanian schools ;

Dobrich got involved in the international relay - race of against drugs posters . The Romanian citizen association Lamagi Sana , which operates in the field of health , sent to the good youths a five - meter blind , on which Romanian children have indicated their messages against drugs . Good youths also added their messages and the blind continued its way to a third country , thus going round the world ;

The president of Rotary Club in Mangalia, Ms Luisa Kala was a guest to Dobrich artists and visited the Arts Gallery in Dobrich ;

Dobrich artists participated in an exhibition The Magic of Dobrudja in Mangalia . Opportunities for partnerships in trans - border cooperation projects were also discussed . Contacts with Romanian artists from the Romanian Union of Artists in Mangalia were established and actions undertaken to organize Romanian exposition in the Arts Gallery in Dobrich ;

The apiarists from both regions envisage common activities against implementation of toxic substances and announcing the usage of such ;

Negotiations to establish a business association from both sides were also performed ;

Opportunities to carry out mutual meetings every three months and to transform these into traditions for both sides were discussed .

Innovator: Pasha Todorova Gradeshlieva
Publication Date: 21 October 2004
Nominations: 0
Pasha Todorova Gradeshlieva
Senior expert "Public Relations"
Dobrich - 9300
12 Bulgaria St.
Tel:058 /600 416
Fax:058 /600 416



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