Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The idea for the project came as a result from a discussion on the problems of the elder citizens in the 21 communities in the municipality of Strumyani. 15 of these communities are located in the high parts of the Malashevska Mountain. The mountainous terrain and the lack of a labor market predetermine the large percentage of residents migrating to the large cities. The mountainous villages are inhabited only by retired people or such that would retire soon. Some of them cannot even retire, as none of them had made social security payments over the past 10 years.

80% of the retired people receive the minimum retirement allowance for the country, which is insufficient to but the medicines they need. The mountainous terrain is a barrier to the delivery of health, social and administrative services. The initiative for the development of the project was assumed by the community center s board, with encouragement and support on behalf of the municipal management. The project was implemented under FLGR s Social Environment Improvement Program, with the financial support of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.


Stage one

The renovation of the Retired Person s Club, a premise owned by the Buditel Community Center, was conducted by a company selected by the Strumyani municipal administration. The premises were completely reconstructed in 15 days and equipped with the necessary supplies. The retired residents of Strumyani were very happy with this development, as they had dreamed of their own club in the central part of the village for years.

Stage two

The implementation of program activities began on September 1, 2003. A meeting was held between the institutions that deal with the problems of the target group: Strumyani municipal administration, Social Assistance Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. The lonely individuals in need of assistance were located, interviewed and categorized with the active cooperation of the village mayors.

A training was organized for the project team. Tow nurses were hired to measure blood pressure and perform other medical manipulations at the homes of the 25 immobilized retired individuals. The nurses were also available for the retired people suffering from chronic illnesses who visit the Retired Person s Club.

Other social services were provided as well:

Cleaning of the homes of lonely immobilized retired persons;

Purchase of medicines and foodstuffs;

Payment of electricity, phone and other bills;

Assistance in filling documents.

A steering committee was formed to support the implementation of the initiatives under the project with regard to the organization of Third Age Evenings:

Discussion of retirement age problems (retirement insurance, health insurance);

Organization of different exhibitions related to Christian holidays (Christmas Eve, St. Jordan s Day, St. Lazar s Day, Babin Den, Easter, etc.) at which hand-made items were exhibited;

Participation of the retired people from the club with songs and dances in various celebrations and holidays. A traditional gathering takes place in the village of Strumyani every year, on St. St. Constantine and Elena s Day. The retired people from the authentic songs and dances group perform at the celebration in the church s yard.


The elder people were involved through the opportunities created for their free time. Vital retired people were included in useful initiatives in the support of the elder residents in need of assistance. A Retired Person s Club was established.

The consolidation of the efforts of the Municipality, the partners under the project and the non-governmental organizations resulted in a balance between needs and interests. The retired individuals in the municipality developed a sense of significance. The hopes and the spirit of the people in the third age were boosted.

For additional information, please contact :

Penka Mitseva

Buditel Popular Community Center

2825 Strumyani

Tel.: (088) 966 3552

V. Chilikov


Municipality of Strumyani

1, April 7th Sq.

2825 Strumyani

Tel.: (07434) 3108

Fax: (07434) 3105

Email: [email protected]

Innovator: Penka Mitseva
Publication Date: 17 September 2004
Nominations: 0
Penka Mitseva
Project Coordinator
Strumyani - 2825

Tel:0889 663 552



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