Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The municipality of Svoge is the second largest within the Sofia Region. Its total population is 24,000, of whom only 1/3 live in the city. The initiative for the establishment of a day center for children with disabilities was assumed by the community center s board, in partnership with the mayor of the municipality and the municipal management. The mountainous relief of the municipality and the remoteness of the communities create additional difficulties to these children and their parents. Most of the children are from poor families and are deprived of opportunities for contacts, individual development and entertainment. This makes them feel socially isolated, left alone with their problems of disadvantaged people. Upon consultations with FLGR s Social Environment Improvement Program s coordinator and clarifying the application procedure, a team from the community center s board and the municipal management initiated the implementation of the idea.


The project was implemented within 9 months (October, 2003 June, 2004), under FLGR s Social Environment Improvement Program, with the financial support of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

The purpose of the project was to create conditions for successful social integration of the children with disabilities living in the municipality of Svoge. This was achieved by:

- providing consultations and individual specialized assistance to the children with disabilities and their parents;

- creating conditions for contacts and entertainment;

- building local partnerships between interested individuals and organizations (Social Assistance Directorate, hospital; Medical Center I; local business representatives);

- improving the awareness of the parents;

- promoting the problems of the children with disabilities and recruiting volunteers.

With the assistance of the Social Assistance Directorate, the project team contacted the families with children with disabilities aged 4 to 16. The number of these kids was 13, living in 5 communities in the municipality. Two premises in the Community Center were equipped to serve as a Day Center (Advisory Office and Entertainment Club, respectively). A team comprised of a logopaedician, psychologist, kinetic therapy specialist and a legal advisor. A schedule of treatments sessions was developed. During the period, the parents of the children under the project had access to legal and social advice, which helped them solve some of their problems.

The involvement of volunteers, 6th grade students from Ivan Vazov General Education School, spurred a lot of interest. Friendships were built, an exhibition of paintings and items made by the target group was organized. Holiday celebrations for Christmas and June 1 were organized at the Day Center. Workshops and discussions were held, on the rights of disadvantaged children and on the opportunities for social environment improvements.

The Day Center and the specialized consultations and entertainment opportunities it provides marks a large step towards the identification of local solutions to children s problems. The team evaluated the effectiveness of the services provided by means of survey cards. Information on project activities was periodically published in the local media (TV and newspaper).


The problems of the children with disabilities and their families were brought to the attention of the public. The health, social and legal awareness of the parents was improved. The physical and the psychic development of the children were improved. The project generated public support and compassion. The consolidated efforts of interested national institutions and local stakeholders, as well as the involvement of children from the schools, provided for wide-scale participation in the process and recruited supporters for the social integration of disadvantaged children by mobilizing the local potential.

For additional information, please contact :

Stanimira Hekimova

Senior Inspector, Social Activities

Municipality of Svoge

7, Al. Stamboliiski Street

2260 Svoge

Tel.: (0726) operator 85, ext. 36, (088) 764 7820

Email: [email protected]

Biserka Dimitrova


Gradishte Popular Community Center

29, Tsar Simeon Street

2260 Svoge

Tel.: ()726) 3066

Tel./fax: (0726) 2457

Email: [email protected]

Innovator: Stanimira Hekimopva
Publication Date: 16 September 2004
Nominations: 0
Stanimira Hekimopva
Social Activities Chief Inspector
Svoge - 2260
7 Alexander Stamboliiski Str.
Tel:(++359) 889 320183



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