Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The Godech community has been facing the need for the implementation of the activities under the Together We Can project for several years.

Concerned about these developments, the education specialists on the community center s board came up with the idea to involve the institutions in the development of an integration mechanism that would reduce children s alienation and encourage their interest in future development. The specialists needed for project implementation were available; the Municipality of Godech, the educational and other institutions supported the idea. The project was approved for funding under FLGR s Social Environment Improvement Program, financially supported by Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and its implementation began on October 1, 2003.


I. Preparatory stage:

The preparatory stage included repairing and equipping an Advisory Office and a Rehearsal Hall. The Advisory Office was completely renovated. Program funds were sued to purchase furniture, while community center funds were used to finance the purchase of heating appliances, consumables for repair works and the remuneration of the specialists. The renovation of the Rehearsal Hall included installing mirrors, stands and heating appliances, as well as minor repairs. The look of the renovated Rehearsal Hall contributes to stimulating interest in dancing.

II. Activity implementation:

A. Advisory Office operations

As usually happens with any new activity, the work of the Advisory Office was initially regarded with skepticism by the local community. School principals assisted in informing the parents about the benefits from the targeted individual or group work with their children. Overcoming their initial mistrust, the parents were gradually convinced in the usefulness of the logopaedic, psychological and specialized teaching assistance that was made available to them for free.

For the eight months of its operation, the Office was visited by some 30 children; half of them were systematically advised over the course of the project. The parents were given guidelines for individual work with their children at home, for strengthening children s social skills and integration abilities. Information was provided on the stipulations of the Integration of Children with Special Education Needs in the Popular Education System National Plan.

The logopaedic activities are very intensive and go beyond the timeframe of the work meetings during the week. The growing interest in removing children s speech defects is due only to the results produced by the activity of the logopaedician. This helps children improve their school abilities and solves the problem with the lack of a teacher for individual work. The psychological assistance includes both practical work for the improvement of the cognitive psychic processes and psychological support in overcoming children s moral and behavioral problems. Once every two weeks the team of specialists and the management organize an open discussion on pressing problems faced by the children with disabilities.

B. Dancing ensemble

A list of kids willing to get involved was developed through preliminary conversations with children with disabilities; further selection identified those who would attend the classes. The children demonstrated great interest in the rehearsals which, combined with the professional skills of the choreographer, produced amazing results. Three dances and five round dances were learned. The children have costumes and are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to dance for an audience: Christmas celebrations, concerts, festival. Other children are expressing interest in the dancing ensemble, attracted by the modern rehearsal hall, the beauty of the dance and the public events. Unfortunately, the capacity of the project doesn t allow for the inclusion of more kids on the ensemble at this stage.

C. Skillful Hands Club

A list of the children willing and able to get involved in the club s creative group was developed at the very start of the project. The activities were identified and materials were purchased. Then, it was all left to the imagination and the skillful hands of the participants. For 8 months the children with disabilities had the opportunity to demonstrate their creative energy and produced unique items. These items were periodically exhibited to the visitors of the community center. Textile drawings, decorations for celebrations, martenitsas and drawings on glass and tiles are just few examples of the potential of children with disabilities.

D. Computer Knowledge Center

The computer literacy groups were formed of children of disadvantaged status and mentally retarded children. They completed their training with the confidence that they match their fellow students IT skills. The skills they acquired in using Microsoft Office and Internet would provide them future career opportunities. The groups that completed the training were highly praised by the teacher for the efforts invested and results achieved.


The community center and the municipality have a modern rehearsal hall and a wonderfully equipped office for individual and group work with children;

There is an obvious change in the public attitude and tolerance to the capabilities of children with disabilities;

The parents of children with disabilities have changed their view on their integration in society; new opportunities and approaches were presented;

The role of dancing and applied arts in overcoming differences between the children was proven;

A start was given to a partnership between the institutions in discussing and identifying solutions to the problems in dealing with children with disabilities;

The technical skills of a large group of children in using IT were improved;

The exhibitions organized and the brochure published helped promote N. Y. Vaptsarov Popular Community Center;

The role of logopaedic and psychological assistance in dealing with children with disabilities was promoted;

The self-confidence and the adaptability of a large group of children, who were so far isolated from the active life in the city, were increased.

For additional information, please contact:

Velin Ivanov

Chair, N. Y. Vaptsarov Popular Community Center

10, N. Y. Vaptsarov Street

2240 Godech

Tel.: (0729) 2368, (088) 730 2708

Fax: (0729) 3503

Email: [email protected]

Boris Stankov

Municipal Secretary

Municipality of Godech

1, Svoboda Sq.

2240 Godech

Tel.: (0729) 3472

Fax: (0729) 3503

Email: [email protected]

Publication Date: 16 September 2004
Nominations: 1

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