Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The project targeted the people with physical disabilities, the permanently unemployed and the disadvantaged women in the municipality of Batak. The problem that the project sought to solve was overcoming the social isolation through training, accumulation of new skills and knowledge, use of these skills and knowledge in practice, overcoming the inferiority complex and active involvement of the people with disabilities in service delivery. The idea for the Center came up in conversations with members of the Zdravets Disabled People s Association. Following a survey conducted jointly with the Labor Bureau, it was decided that the project provided an opportunity to meet the social contact needs of disabled people and disadvantaged women, and their needs for current knowledge and skills that would make them competitive on the labor market.


The purpose of the project was to overcome the social isolation of the disabled, the permanently unemployed and the disadvantaged women by the development of professional, computer and organizational skills and career opportunities.

The project included several major activities: 1. Renovation of the premises of the Zdravets Disabled Person s Club; 2. Organization of a training course in landscaping for permanently unemployed women and the creation of an Alley of Beauty by the trainees; 3. Organization of a training course for disadvantaged women; 4. Organization of topical legal and health lectures for the people with disabilities; 5. A charity initiative for the Ana Gizdova Girls Home, Bratsigovo and the Home for Men with Mental Disabilities, Batak; 6. Establishment of Social Services and Contacts Center; 7. A hotline for questions on pressing issues.

All project activities were met with a lot of interest on behalf of the community. The funding granted under FLGR/MOTT s Social Environment Improvement Program activated and mobilized the local resources.

The renovation of the disabled people s club in Batak motivated local sponsors, both organizations and individuals, to provide heating appliances and a TV set, while the Municipality of Batak financed a part-time receptionist for the club.

The landscaping course was consistent with the conditions in the municipality of Batak and was organized with the assistance of the Labor Bureau. 20 permanently unemployed women received certificates for newly acquired skills. The trainees planted shrubs and trees in an Alley of Beauty close to the Disabled People s Club. The mobilization of additional resources resulted in the installation of benches for recreation.

The Help for You course was organized with the active cooperation of the Labor Bureau. The participants received information about the requirements with regard to the filling of different social assistance documents, opportunities to get in-house assistance, as well as the requirements to the people providing such assistance. The participants were motivated to get involved in social programs providing support to disabled individuals and single mothers in need of in-house cares.

Four meetings were organized between the members of the Zdravets Disabled Person s Club and health and social workers, in order to present the legislative framework of social assistance, the rights of the people with disabilities, the clinical paths, the procedures for the submission of documents and specific health topics. Club members were trained to measure blood pressure with equipment purchased with project funds. In this way the Club got access to another service, free blood pressure measurement.

Two charity initiatives were organized collection of food and clothes for the Ana Gizdova Girls Home, Bratsigovo and the Home for Men with Mental Disabilities, Batak.

The greatest challenge under the project was the establishment of the Faith, Hope and Love Social Services and Contacts Center. The Municipality of Batak gratuitously provided premises at the ground floor of the municipal building and provided disabled access (ramp). The workplace created under the project was augmented by the creation of another one, with funding from the Rehabilitation and Social Integration Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The Center employs two members of the Zdravets Disabled Person s Club; one of them is trained to use office applications and helps the people with disabilities to fill and copy forms, informs them about pressing issues. The success if the Center was amended by the opportunity to hire a university student as an intern at the municipal administration this employee also provides assistance to the visitors. Internet connection and a hotline were installed with the assistance of the Municipality, thus making it easier for the citizens to share comments or ask questions.


The services provided by the Center help the disadvantaged people overcome the inferiority complex. The members of the Disabled Person s Club have more confidence in their own abilities. The participants in the project demonstrated wonderful knowledge and skills continue to actively participate in the operations of the Center. The awareness of club members about social assistance issues and their own rights was increased. 20 permanently unemployed women were trained as landscapers.

The funding granted by FLGR was used by the Association to purchase new, modern office equipment that would serve as a wonderful basis for future activities and projects. The project team accumulated valuable knowledge and skills that may be used for other projects. Career opportunities were created and contacts were established with other public organizations. The principles of partnership between the Municipality of Batak and the organization of the disabled were strengthened.

The positive results from the project and the experience accumulated during its implementation gave the Association the strength to apply to a competition organized by the Independent Life Center, Sofia; the Association was nominated for Leader in a Network in the Activity in a Network category.

Innovator: Dafinka Djourilova
Publication Date: 02 September 2004
Nominations: 2
Dafinka Djourilova
Municipality Property Chief Expert
Batak - 4580
5 Osvobojednie sq.
Tel:(++359 3553) 20 21
Fax:(++359 3553) 20 03



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