Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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One of the important priorities in the activity of local legislative and executive power in Batak Municipality is the development and conformity of education with the norms of European integration. Within the municipality`s territory there are three secondary schools - one in every settlement. In each one of these schools the necessary conditions for conducting educational work have been created.

The local authorities ensure the financial resources needed for the maintenance and renovation of the necessary equipment, for the regular remuneration of teachers, and supports the pedagogical councils and school boards. A working mechanism has been created between the municipal council of Batak and the Education Department at the Municipality of Batak for identifying problems.

The changes in regulations 5 and 7 and letters 17262/22.02.2002 and 7218/26.04.2002 necessitated the liquidation of Kliment Ohridski primary school in the village of Fotinovo. There arose a need for undertaking urgent measures to save the school.

Realizing the effect of such a measure the Municipal Council of Batak passed unanimously at its session on April 18, 2002 decision 276 for preserving Kliment Ohridski primary school in the village of Fotinovo. The decision was based on a report of the mayor.

A press conference was organized with the participation of the municipal administration, Municipal Council, Municipal Coordinating Council of Bulgarian Teachers and representatives of local and regional media, during which the future actions for preserving the school were outlined.

The next step was the approval of a Declaration addressed to the chairman of the National Assembly, deputies and the Regional Governor. This Declaration categorically objected to the inconsiderate actions of the Ministry of Education and Science and expressed the following motives:
- Geographical valuation: The school is situated in a high mountain region (1500 m above sea level) marked by a heavy and prolonged winter and bad travel conditions.
- Demographic valuation: Many of the residents are ready to move to another place in case the school is closed down. A peculiarity of the school is that it was built in 1956-1957 by the volunteer labour of native residents. 80 students are being instructed there by 12 qualified teachers, most of which having higher education.
- Economic valuation: Transporting students to the neighboring village Nova Mahala is not feasible. The costs would increased two times - from 58 307 levs to 95 107 levs.

With reference to the above, the municipal administration insisted on ensuring normal conditions for the children s education by effective cooperation between central and local authorities in the spirit of the Bulgarian traditions and European standards.

The Trade Union of Bulgarian Teachers took the decision that May 24, 2002 should be the day for a public protest against the inconsiderate resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science. For that purpose, representatives of all local and regional media were invited to the event. All representatives to the National Assembly from the region were acquainted with the case. The parliamentarian from the National Movement Simeon the Second Valentin Miltenov committed himself to the problem and gave his support.

The most important result is the change in the regulation. Already in June 2002 the Minister of education and science Vladimir Atanasov visited the village of Fotinovo and got acquainted with the problems. The participation of all the teachers and residents, of the Municipal Council and the municipal administration in Batak, of parliamentarians and the Council of Ministers brought to the preserving of the primary school Kliment Ohridski in the village of Fotinovo. People s confidence in local government that protects and defends their interests has been enhanced.
Innovator: Ivanka Stankova
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 19
Ivanka Stankova
Batak - 4580

Tel:(03553) 2021, ext. 118
Fax:(03553) 2030



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