Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
A chance for disabled children
Foundation "Social Consultative Centre - Samokov"

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According to the data of Municipal Social Service around 2000 out of the total 42 431 citizens of the Municipality of Samokov are, some way, disabled. 200 of those are children. There is neither a Day Center, nor any other alternative institution to take care of them on the territory of the municipality. The largest part of the children have highly restricted social contacts, mostly kept in their families, which has led to behavioral problems. Trying to hide their children s health problems, parents also get isolated and communicate only within their families.

There is a special needs school in the city, which is attended by 105 children with learning difficulties. It is remote from the city center and this comes to be another factor for its students s social isolation. Healthy children s parents are prejudiced about them and restrict contacts between their own children and those with learning difficulties. Due to insufficient information of the society about disabled children s way of life and their potential, they are treated as unequal to the others. Even the children think of themselves as unequal to the others, but have no particular idea why.

The project was realized within ten months from February until November 2001. A logopedus, art therapist, psychotherapist, lawyer, and social consultants formed a specialist team and started working on a database of disabled children. For this purpose, they had a meeting with mayors and deputy-mayors, school and kindergarten principals, pediatricians, and parents of children with learning difficulties.

The project activities started in March. A possibility to widen their social contacts and to overcome some psychological problems was given to the children. For the first time on the territory of the municipality, children with learning difficulties were involved in art therapy and psychotherapy groups.

Children from the city and surrounding villages took part in a logopedic therapy. Three groups for self-support were formed:
1. parents of children with learning difficulties
2. parents of children with learning difficulties and behavioral problems 3. children with learning difficulties and behavioral problems.

Forming the third group was experimental but the results achieved proved that this method is effective and very helpful for the children. In the special needs school three groups based on interests were formed. Participating in them, children attained new knowledge and skills for dealing with casual life problems. Children cordially welcomed the representatives of non-governmental organizations in their school. Both parties established friendly relations, which influenced the groups working climate and the activity results. Exhibitions with materials crafted by the children were periodically organized. They provided a great opportunity for the children with disabilities to reveal their talents in front of their peers from the public schools in the city. Disabled children had the opportunity to get acquainted with their peers from the public schools through untraditional ways of communication games, discussions, small group work, and expeditions in the open. This helped establish contacts, which lasted after the end of the project.

Throughout the project, the team offered participating parents and children the unique opportunity to attend legal and social consultations through which they found solutions for some of their problems. Round tables and discussions were held on a monthly basis. Consequently, the Foundation and representatives of the education, healthcare, and social services came to an agreement for future cooperation in this problem area. Parents met with pediatricians, pedagogues, social workers, and psychologists, with whom they had the chance to discuss their problems. The effectiveness of the social services provided, was proved through monthly opinion polls. The team periodically issued and disseminated information brochures not only about the project, but also containing information of various disorders. The Rila local TV channel broadcast news about the project activities in its information programs. The Municipal Social Service, local press, some of the public schools, and specialists from the medical center also supported the project. It was implemented with the financial support of Charles Stuart Mott Foundation through the Foundation for Local Government Reform.

- The project contributed to the partial overcoming of the prejudice towards children with disabilities, which has existed in the municipality.

- The cooperation among non-governmental organizations, municipality structures, and various private businesses has been strengthened, which is an important prerequisite for future support of disabled children.

- Children have developed work and social skills which would ensure their future realization.
- For the first time in the municipality, a database of 205 children with physical and mental damages, speech disorders, and chronic diseases has been made. Everybody willing to work for the cause of improving the social position of those children has free access to it.

Children with disabilities are part of our society, and as such, they deserve to have a chance for better life. Each municipality can achieve the Social Consultative Center s project results as long as at least part of its officials is concerned about the welfare of disabled children.
Innovator: Milena Mitashova
Publication Date: 20 May 2002
Nominations: 5
Milena Mitashova
Executive Director
Samokov - 2000
Zahari Zograf Square, fl. 2, room 8
Tel:(0722) 2 07 85
Fax:(0722) 2 07 85



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