Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Transboundary cooperation with the Romanian local governments is one of the major priorities for the Association of Danube River Municipalities Danube .

In the middle of 1996 the Association of Danube River Municipalities with the assistance of the National Center for Territorial Development established contacts with representatives of the Council of Europe and initiated the conducting of the first official meetings between Bulgarian and Romanian local and regional administrations.

The beginning of the official joint meetings on transboundary cooperation was set at the two forums in 1997 in Turnu Mugurele and Rousse. The following conferences, seminars and working meetings in Rousse, Kozlodui, Giurgiu, Vidin, Svistov, Alexandria, Silistra, Kalarash, Zimnich, etc. have confirmed the willingness for setting up sustainable transboundary links and establishing a Euroregion.

The declarations accepted and the agreement protocols signed have been the basis on which the Bulgarian-Romanian Working Group has prepared the necessary documentation for establishing of four Euroregions.

The intensifying and developing of adequate partnerships between neighboring countries in the framework of pan-European cooperation has grown in importance in recent years. Cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania, viewed in the context of European integration, in the period of ongoing negotiations for membership to the European Union of both countries, is much needed and of mutual interest.

At the end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001 as a result of intensive activity of the Association of Danube River Municipalities and of the municipal administrations in the centers of the Euroregions from the Bulgarian side - Vidin, Svishtov, Rousse and Silistra, the following documents have been signed:
- Agreement for transboundary cooperation between Euroregion Danube South Association and Dunaria de Sud Association: set up with the aim of implementing joint social and economic development programs, for improving the cooperation between local communities at the border, and solving of common transboundary problems.

- Euroregion Danube Dobrudja : established by local governments, business structures and non-governmental organizations from Silistra and Dobrich regions, united in the Association for transboundary cooperation Danube Dobrudja and by local authorities from Kalarash, Konstansa and Jalomitsa, Romania.

- Euroregion Danube 21 unifying three the neighbouring regions Vidin - Calafat - Zaichar.

- Euroregion Rousse - Giurgiu comprising the territories of the municipalities of Rousse and Gurgevo: Established with the purpose of encouraging local economic development and especially the connections between organizations and business in Rousse and Gurgevo, and supporting small and medium agricultural enterprises.

Enhancing the role of the Association of Danube River Municipalities in initiating, supporting and expanding the transboundary contacts with the Romanian local authorities. Establishing contacts between border and neighboring municipalities on both sides of the Danube River and signing bilateral protocols and agreements for cooperation. Undertaking steps in the area of cultural and economic cooperation. Institutional support for Bulgarian-Romanian Euroregions from the Association of Danube River Municipalities: - Organizing and providing training for the administration and staff of the Euroregions; - Expert and consultancy assistance rendered; - Training in project development provided. The international authority of Association of Danube River Municipalities Danube approved.
Innovator: Maria Pavlova
Publication Date: 01 December 2001
Nominations: 21
Maria Pavlova
Administrative Assistant
Belene - 5930
23 Bulgaria Square, fl. 7, offices 703, 704, 705, P.O. Box 14
Tel:(0658) 22940, 22760
Fax:(0658) 22960



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