Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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A priority objective of Dryanovo municipal administration activity during the first year of the mandate of the newly elected mayor engineer Miroslav Semov and his team was promotion and improvement of Dryanovo s image not only on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria but also outside its bounds. The realization of this exceptionally ambitious strategic objective has led to the establishment of conditions, favorable for investments, a revival of the municipality and raising of the spirits of its residents.

At the end of October 2001 Dryanovo, the native city of the Bulgarian renaissance architect Kolyo Ficheto, hosted the national celebration of his 200th anniversary. The municipal administration s ambitious project The Master crowned with success. The city was visited personally by the President of Republic of Bulgaria Petar Stoyanov, by representatives of diplomatic missions accredited to Bulgaria, scientists, writers and authors.

The celebrations devoted to the Master, strengthened the interest in Dryanovo of foreign diplomatic missions. For a period of about half an year ambassadors of 23 countries, among which USA, Japan, Sweden, Hungary and Great Britain visited the Municipality of Dryanovo.

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Bulgaria visited Dryanovo for the first time in November 2001. During that visit he met the mayor of the municipality, the chairman of the Municipal Council and the mayor s governing team. A presentation of the Municipality of Dryanovo was made by the mayor, conversations for future cooperation were held.

During the second official visitation in February 2001 Ambassador Emanuel Zisman and the president of the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria (Shalom) Emil Kalo opened the photo-exhibition Israel , presented at the community center Razvitie in Dryanovo. At the premiere of Beyond Hitler s Grasp (a film about the salvation of Bulgarian Jews), months before its premiere in Sofia, Ambassador Zisman personally presented the film before the Dryanovo audience. Guest of the city was also the executive producer Albena Taneva. Society Friends of Israel in Dryanovo, together with the Municipal Administration, were sponsors of the event, which was covered by the local and regional press, radio and television.

Together with Ambassador Zisman the famous Israeli businessman Amnon Halper arrived in Dryanovo. The municipal administration prepared an individual program for him, including meetings with businessmen and municipal councilors. During the meetings, after a proposal of H.E. Ambassador Zisman, the idea of signing an agreement for cooperation and twinning between the Municipality of Dryanovo and the City of Ma ale Adumim was put forward.

In June 2001 a delegation from the City of Ma ale Adumim visited Dryanovo, led personally by Ambassador Zisman and the city mayor Beni Kasriel, with the aim of signing a contract for cooperation and twinning between the Municipality of Dryanovo and the City of Ma ale Adumim. The visit program included an introduction to the cultural and historical landmarks of Dryanovo, a working meeting with the mayor and the mayor s team, meeting with the Friends of Israel Club, meetings with NGO and representatives of the business community, talks with presidents of the Standing Committees and the Chariman of the Municipal Council. The ceremony on signing the contract was conducted in the Municipality s Assembly Hall in the presence of the Municipal Council, representatives of cultural institutions and businesses, as well as many citizens.

In October 2001 the first official visit of a delegation from the Municipality of Dryanovo to the City of Ma ale Adumim took place. The visit program included a ceremony on the twinning with the City of Ma ale Adumim, a meeting with the Union of Bulgarian Jews, and with Prof. Yablanski, the Ambassador of Bulgaria to Israel, a visit to the Holocaust Museum, a meeting with the Minister of Tourism Rehavam Zeevy, a visit to the Old City and the Crying Wall, a visit to the Presidency and the Israeli Parliament. On Bulgarian part the Mayor, the Chairman of the Municipal Council, municipal officials and municipal councilors participated in the delegation. The trip was realized in an exceptionally dramatic and insecure time for the whole world moment the determination of the Bulgarian delegation not to defer the travel, in spite of the opportunity given, was highly appreciated.

In the framework of the friendly relations and professional contacts made with the Israeli municipality a number of joint activities have been planned:
- In August 2002 the Balkan dance ensemble will visit Israel, and will give concerts in Ma ale Adumim and Karmiel.
- Exchange of school curriculum models will be made.
- Seminars with historians on the topic Holocaust in Israel will be organized with teachers from Dryanovo participating.
- An exchange of young people from the two cities will be made in 2002.
- Talks for engagement of Bulgarian construction workers in Israel were conducted.
- Businessmen interest in investments in Dryanovo has been provoked.
- Specialized business exhibitions by local producers Bulgarian in Israel and Israeli in Bulgaria are being prepared.
Innovator: Roumiana Dacheva
Publication Date: 01 December 2001
Nominations: 6
Roumiana Dacheva
Director, Administrative, legal, and information services and technologies
Dryanovo - 5370
19 Bacho Kiro Street
Tel:(0676) 23 64
Fax:(0676) 43 03



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