Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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There are almost 18 000 children of single mothers. Different researches shows that 82 % of the mothers work on the black market with lowest payment; 70 % of their children start working illegally at the age of 13; 68 % of the families are in poor living conditions; 93 % of the mothers provide the only income for their families; 90% of the mothers do not trust institutions and refuse to initiate any contacts in searching for help; 80% of the single mothers do not register in the unemployment offices to find jobs available. In response Victoria 21 Foundation initiated a project for the creation of a Centre for social work with these families in Sofia City.

Official sociological research for the territory of Sofia entitled Social Attitude to Single Mothers of the Research, Prognoses and Analyses Association has defined several main assumptions: Firstly, Bulgarian people today form their opinions on two basic aspects of the single mothers status from the position of their own social solidarity on the one hand, and the patriarchal vision for society and life in general, on the other. Secondly, results show both the highest requirements to and the lowest expectations from the state and institutions. Then comes the general economic and social crisis which has strongly reduced confidence in people only 50% believe and support a single mother in her decision. Most of the single mothers do not believe in their own ability to overcome these problems, taking into account the economic recession in the country.

It is very important to find out the main reason for the solidarity and single mothers capabilities as workers. Making a comparative analysis of the tolerance of different social groups and the trends for employing single mothers we can clearly outline an unfair situation: the small and medium sized businesses are not willing to take responsibility; solidarity is restricted only to social groups with the lowest income retired people and students.

The Centre for social work with single mothers is designed to respond to these problems and to develop activities in the following areas:
- individual consulting for singe mothers rights, as regulated by the law;
- mediation and support in exercising rights;
- career consulting and support in searching for a job;
- courses for qualifications and training in new areas;
- supporting groups of professional interest;
- supporting initiatives leading to the creation of alternative forms of employment;
- supporting groups for exchange of experience, focused on keeping jobs and on professional development;
- professional consulting and orientation and supporting children;
- organizing leisure time and providing environment for the children for obtaining additional skills;
- supporting mothers in raising their children.

- Almost 240 families of single mothers have been supported by the Centre;
- 172 of them received social and juridical consulting about exercising their rights (only 67 of the families needed mediation and direct support);
- 94 single mothers were advised on finding additional part-time jobs;
- 212 of the single mothers have looked look for help in raising their children;
- Some of the mothers initiated a business project on setting up a sewing workshop Made by Mother . The project is about to involve 10 more single mothers.
Innovator: Margarita Uribe
Publication Date: 01 May 2001
Nominations: 2
Margarita Uribe
Sofia - 1000
20, Pirotska St.
Tel:980 88 36
Fax:980 88 36



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