Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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In May, 1998, the Project for Development of Local Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, financed by the European Fund for Freedom of Opinion, begins. The aim of the project is to establish initiatives by which to attract the involvement of citizens and citizen associations in the activities of the municipality. The project is realized in three countries Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania, and five municipalities from each country are selected. The project allows the local authorities of those 15 municipalities to experiment, in close relationship with citizen organizations, the establishment of publicly-beneficial activities. The municipality of Ihtiman decides to work on the project "Citizen Initiatives for The Establishment of a Center for Healthful Nutrition of Babies and Small Children."

The problem the municipality of Ihtiman faces is the recent demographic collapse of its territory. Realizing its responsibility and considering its legal power, the municipal authority decides to seek unconventional contemporary approaches to attract public attention and retain citizens involvement in the establishment of the necessary conditions for birth stimulation and raising of the children in the municipality. The Bulgarian Women Union (BWU)-Ihtiman, with chairman Dr. Barova, is attracted as a partner to the project. The BWU is responsible for all activities related to the principal aims of the project which are as follows:
-- to conduct a research on the public opinion about the necessity for the establishment of a children s center for healthful nutrition;
-- to gather up a consulting team on the problems young mothers face with children s nutrition, school age, and psychological development;
-- to disseminate the necessary information about pregnancy, healthful nutrition and healthful living habits;
-- to work with minority groups on problems related to health culture, hygiene and planned birth rate.

During the development of the project the following activities are realized:
-- an inquiry among 200 people (from 4 neighborhoods from the town) is conducted. The aim of the inquiry is to determine the public opinion about the establishment of the center. The interviewed are from different age groups in order to examine the reactions of the people who are not directly affected by the problem; the results are positive;
-- an inquiry on topics: "What should children be fed with?" and "What should my town look like?" is conducted in the kindergardens and schools;
-- the public opinion on whether the Center should be financed by the municipality or by the private sector is researched;

Seminars on the following topics are conducted:
-- "The demographic crisis through the eyes of the young people";
-- "Healthful nutrition of the children";
-- "Health culture among minorities".

The big industrial enterprises and private businessmen are also given the survey cards. The state enterprises answered the survey with the opinion that they will support the project financially or/and through maintenance; there is no single answer received from the private sector.

The meetings with the minority groups in the region are conducted according to the plan but taking into account their lower educational level, it is decided that work with them should continue.

All of the above described activities are published in the local newspaper Srednogorsko Utro. The results of the project are systemized and analyzed by the team. Hen, they become the basis of the proposal sent to the mayor of the Ihtiman Municipality, Mr. Bonev. Through the chairman of the Municipal Council, Dr. Genadiev, the proposal is also sent to the Commission on Economics, Budget and Finance to the Municipal Council-Ihtiman.

The Commission on Economics, Budget, and Finance to the Municipal Council-Ihtiman reviews the proposal and puts it in the agenda so that the councilors could discuss the potential possibilities and conditions for financing the first module of the future Center the Children s Milk Kitchen. The commission makes some concrete proposals: the price of the daily food portions to be lowered and all the overhead expenses to be paid by the municipal budget. Decision # 425 from 4/2/1999 of the Municipal Council of Ihtiman opens the Children s Milk Kitchen and orders that the overhead expenses and a 120 lv. daily food allowance be paid by the municipal budget.
Innovator: Valentin Barov
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 3
Valentin Barov
Ihtiman - 2050

Tel:0724/25 11
Fax:0724/25 50



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