Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Providing information to the villages in Svishtov municipality
Svishtov Municipality
- All 15 municipalities in Svishtov municipality are equipped (at 100%) with identical computer technique PC, Laser printer, scanner, UPS, modem.
- Twenty seven employees in the municipality have passed training, in this number and the mayors for computer literacy, working Windows XP, office attachments, working with special program products and others.
- A program product intranet have been installed, with actual information on laws, decrees, normative documents, regulations, index, resolutions of MC and others, which is available on place (internet connection is not necessary) in all the municipalities.
- Extremely heterogeneous team was formed, which constructively and professionally carried out the computer courses.
- Internet connection was provided in the villages. All villages have e-mails. Employees unified themselves the document exchange between villages and the front-office in the municipality.