Foundation for Local Government Reform
2007 ‘Innovative Practices’ Annual Issue
visits: 2393

In August 2007 a new FLGR publication is on its way to the readers - 2007 ‘Innovative Practices’ Annual Issue was published in Bulgarian and English in the framework of the LOGIN Programme.

From October 2006, when the FLGR National contest ‘Innovative Municipality’ took place, until July 2007 162 innovative practices were submitted to the electronic database, managed by the Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR). The practices were implemented by a variety of organizations and institutions on a local level: municipalities and their civil or business partners, chitalishtе (community centres), as well as regional and professional associations of municipal experts. 85 of the submitted documents are in Bulgarian, while 77 are in English (some of them in shortened versions).

Some of the practices were presented by the organizations and institutions, which initiated them, others - by FLGR’s partners or journalists. To all who spared their time for enriching the ‘Innovative Practices’ database we are greatly thankful. We also firmly believe that their experience will encourage and motivate followers from all over the country.

The 2007 ‘Innovative Practices’ Annual Issue presents only 12 of the submitted practices. On selecting them, we have tried to showcase how projects in similar spheres of life can be implemented either by NGOs, relying on very limited budgets or by coalitions of organizations, enjoying substantial financial support by EU programs.

Thus we desire to underline that either work has been beneficial to the Bulgarian society development. What is more, we believe that the synergy of their efforts will better contribute to our communities’ development. Alas, we regret to say that most of the organizations and institutions are still striving to coordinate their activities and to avoid ‘piece-work’ impact.

The second important issue that we highlight in this edition is the role of the ‘good-news carrier’, which the innovative practices database takes. On the background of distrust and pessimism, which have been haunting our society, the innovative practices showcase in a transparent way the steps, which some institutions and organizations take to improve their communities’ quality of life. These initiatives often require a change of thought as well as courage to implement the new ideas. Not infrequently the experts, who dare try the practices, have to assume additional responsibilities. As a rule their only reward is the attention they get from colleagues from other municipalities or even from other countries.

The third conclusion, suggested by the innovative practices content, relates to the needed financial means - it comes out that when an idea have been identified as a priority by the community and the local government or the civil organisations, then funds can always be raised.

Enjoy reading!


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