Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative Municipality 2007
visits: 2686

In December FLGR summarized the results of the 2007 National Annual Innovative Practices Contest. In this year's national contest participated 97 innovative practices from 27 municipalities, 1 professional and 5 regional associations of municipalities in Bulgaria.

The third place winner with input of 10 practices is the Municipality of Straldzha.

Second place goes to the Municipality of Svishtov with 14 innovative practices shared in 2007.

Municipality of Tundzha is the winner of the FLGR 2007 Innovative Municipality Contest with the input of 22 innovative practices!

Congratulations to the winners!

The awards will be officially presented to the winners in January 2008.

FLGR would like to thank all innovators that shared their innovative practices.

For the ninth year in a row, FLGR encourages, collects, publishes and disseminates Innovative Practices. The Innovative Practices Project started in September 1998 with the financial support of the Open Society Institute - Budapest and the United State Agency for International Development. This unique project provides a forum for the exchange of experience and has proved to be a sustainable model for collecting and disseminating innovative practices within Bulgarian local government system. From 2002 FLGR conducts Innovative Practices competitions on different topics and awards its Annual Innovative Municipality Award to municipalities that shared the most innovative practices within the current year.

The winners of the previous contests are:
Municipality of Straldzha - 2006
Municipality of Svishtov - 2005
Municipality of City of Dobrich - 2004
Municipality of Sliven - 2003
Municipality of Silistra - 2002


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