Foundation for Local Government Reform
2019 Information Summary
visits: 1482
>> Subscribers of the e-weekly FLGR bulletin (only in Bulgarian - increased from 18,050 at the end of 2018 to 18,550 at the end of 2019.

>> FLGR’s E-Weekly in 2019 had 50 issues and presented to its subscribers:
•    947 funding opportunities and competitions;
•    452 opportunities for training and internships.

>> Online FLGR database "Innovative Practices" in 2019 was enriched with 51 new practices and the total number of published since 1998 practices reached 1,756.

>>Online FLGR library in 2019 provided access to 69 new publications in electronic form in Bulgarian and English.

Reviews on e-weekly:

As regular reader of your e-weekly, we congratulate you for the great work!
Association of Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE), March 2019

We follow with interest the editions of the Electronic Weekly and thank you for being here!
Team of PodLezno Foundation, March 2019

Thank you for the receiving many years your newsletter and using the information!
Natalia Nikolova, April 2019

Thank you for your support  - for us you are one of the most valuable sources of information - both when we are looking for financing and development opportunities, and for promoting our initiatives in support of the civil sector.
Plamena Dimitrova, Communications Manager, Reach for Change Bulgaria, May 2019

Thanks to the information published in your e-Weekly, several projects from Bulgaria received funding from the GIVE EUR-HOPE Association, which supports small projects addressing poverty and social exclusion in the countries of the European Union.
Margarita Savova-Peyrebrune, June 2019

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