Foundation for Local Government Reform
EEA Grants: Call for appraisal experts
visits: 2443
The Foundation for Local Government Reform in partnership with the Bulgarian Environmental Partnership Foundation announces a call for appraisal experts to conduct thematic evaluation of projects under the NGO Fund – Bulgaria.
Those appraisal experts who will be contracted for the needs of the first call for NGO project proposals must be able to conduct the thematic evaluation for the period of 27th October – 20th December 2008.  
The services provided by the appraisal experts shall be in Bulgarian, which is the working language of the NGO Fund 2008-2010 – Bulgaria.
Formal requirements:
  • University diploma (bachelor and/or master);
  • Computer literacy (Word and Excel);
  • Ability to work in a team.
Specific requirements:
  • Experience in project development and management as well as in assessment of project proposals – at least 3 years;
  • Experience in at least two focus areas of one priority area;
  • Good knowledge of the NGO sector in Bulgaria. 
Deadline: 15 September 2008, 17.00 h
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