Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Youth s unemployment in Pleven municipality before May 31, 2004 is / 2 338 people/ higher than in Pleven region /5 953 people/ or 24.8% vs. 23.6% out of the whole number of the unemployed. The unemployed youths in the municipality are 39.27% of all youths in the region. These facts are impressive, but in comparison with the other ten municipalities in the region the significance of Pleven municipality as a center of attraction, accumulating human resources is unquestionable. Migration processes lead to concentration of a part of the population in the region to the town and they are mostly youths between 16 and 35 years.

With really bad profile is the representative extract for long-term unemployed youths. Their relative part in the municipality is 37.36% compared to all long-term unemployed youths in the Pleven region. In the proportion long-term unemployed youths towards the whole number of the registered unemployed people local indexes are also higher than the regional /15.8% in Pleven municipality; 12.00% in the Pleven region/.

Introducing a practice for opening of new working places during partners implementation of significant municipal projects is a possibility for a construction of an alternative system for their social protection.


The practice is co-financed by Phare Program Economic and Social rapprochement Stimulating the employment among the youths and Pleven municipality.

Main partner of Pleven municipality is the Regional historic museum Pleven /RHM/. It puts into practice the preparation and the control of the building-repairs works for the reconstruction of Storgozia fortress, where the trained youths are employed. Specialists in the reconstruction works are from RHM. The Labor bureau department is an associate partner and provides information for registered youths, which respond to the preliminary characteristics of the working group on the project. Except for this it actively participates in the guidance, selection and motivation of unemployed youths to participate in trainings and works. During and at the end of the currant period provides data about the main indexes of employment and unemployment in Pleven municipality regarding the level of implementation of the project in relevance with the quantitative and the qualitative results achieved. The training of unemployed youths for gaining practical skills has been lead by teachers from the Bulgarian-German center for professional education, second associate partner. The third associate partner is the municipal guidance, which helps for the effective solution of organizational issues and mediates between other institutions, where administrative procedures pass.

The steps for the realization of the practice are:

I. Holding working meetings with the partners.

I.1. In the beginning of the project holding a meeting to work out in details and coordinate the common actions on the realization of the concrete tasks of the project according to the graphic-plan and the separate items in the ratified budget.

I.2. After the end of the practical training holding a meeting for rating the level of readiness of the unemployed youths to participate in the job of the concrete working place.

I.3. Meeting for appraising the progress on the project using the main indexes of success.

I.4. After finishing the building-repairs works holding a meeting in order to present the results of using the hired working power and the quality of the restoration and conservation of the Fortress.

I.5. At the end of the project a report meeting on the achieved results.

II. P reparation and implementation of training and employment.

II.1. Selection and motivation of 20 long-term unemployed youths for: practical training for gaining professional knowledge and skills in building for 17 of them; participation of the whole group in various jobs.

II.2. Ensuring a transport to and from the building project for the trained youths in the production practice and for employees in the reconstruction of the Fortress.

III. Conducting a two-months training production practice at working place in the building with 17 youths, graduated in primary school, motivated for participation.

III.1. Practical training at working place in building on the following subjects: Preparation of a building site; foundation works ; Bricklayer s works and concrete production ; Flint and stone works ; Facing and closing works ; Reconstruction and repair works ;

III.2. Providing two-month scholarship for 17 youths participating in the practical training.

III.3. Transportation of the trained youths to and from the building project for conducting the production practice for employment in building.

IV. Preparation for reconstruction of Culture monument of national significance - Storgozia roman fortress in Kaylaka park near Pleven.

IV.1 . Preparation of auction documentation and conducting an auction for building materials delivery-firm.

IV.2. Actualization of the existing documentation for Storgozia fortress project.

IV.3. Final co-ordination on the project National institute for culture monuments.

IV.4. Delivery of all the necessary building materials and stock.

V. Providing employment.

V.1. Employing the twenty unemployed youths from the target group for 8 months on a labor agreement.

V.1.2. Employment for another 2 months on Pleven municipality s account for other project, which is a municipal property.

V. 2 . Employing 2 building and archeology specialists /archeologist, building technician/ and master-builder for 6 months.

VI. Reconstruction of an ancient archeological object Storgozia fortress duration 6 months.

VI.1. Accomplishment of a building-repair works, including reconstruction and conservation of separate parts of Storgozia fortress.

VI.1.1. Activities at Bazilika project.

VI.1.2. Activities at Horeum project.

VI.1.3. Activities at Krepostna stena project.

VI.2. Transportation of the workers to and from the building project back to town twice a day for 6 months.

VI.3. Ensuring labor protection, TB and medical care.

VI.4. Twenty-four-hour guard of the project for 6 months.

VI.5. Carrying out municipal building control over the project and investor s supervision.

VI.6. Summoning a Receiving commission after the reconstruction of the archeological object.

VII. Popularization of the project

VII.1. Visual identification of the project before the start of the reconstruction works at Storgozia fortress.

VII.1.1. Producing and placing vocal equipment on the approaches of the fortress.

VII.1.2. Producing and placing commemorative boards in front of the object.

VII.2. Organization and conduction of two press conferences.

VII.2.1. In the beginning of the project s implementation introducing the idea of the project to the local community, the activities, financial resources and the anticipated results.

VII.2.2. At the end of the project s implementation informing the publicity for all the quantitative and qualitative results we achieved.

  • Developing an effective polices and practices in order to improve the characteristics of the local market by raising the employment and decreasing the unemployment among the youths.
  • Mobilization of unused social resources in order to increase the adaptability potential of the working power in the conditions of free market.
  • Giving assistance to social groups in unequal situation in order to achieve successful personal realization and social integration.
  • Reconstruction of a cultural monument with national significance and including the object as a tourist destination.
Innovator: Dessislava Ivanova
Publication Date: 10 January 2006
Nominations: 0
Dessislava Ivanova
Department Director
Pleven - 5800

Tel:064/ 800 700
Fax:064/ 844 230



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