Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Municipal Center for European Integration - Sliven
Sliven Municipality<br>Municipal Center for European Integration

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Utilizing the opportunities provided by European programs for solving local problems has been formulated as a priority task for the Municipality of Sliven. The initial idea was to look for and to give information about the programs opened for Bulgaria, to establish working groups in different areas of activity and to develop projects on current issues for the municipalities. In the course of the discussions, the team reached the conclusion that the projects are just one part of a process of a much larger scale, and in order to ensure maximum benefit for the municipal administration and the citizens, an integrated approach should be found. Thus the idea of establishing a Municipal Center for European Integration (MCEI) in Sliven was born.

The Municipal Center for European Integration started work on May 9, 2000. The day of its birth coincided with the Day of Europe on which 50 years had elapsed since the signing of the historical Shouman Declaration. The idea has become something real not because of additional financing received, but owing to the establishment of a new organization of work - changing the functional characteristics of one employee, allocating a separate office, providing a PC and Internet access.

The mission of The Municipal Center for European Integration is to support the dialogue on issues of European integration, and to make citizens adhere to the idea of a United Europe.


- To increase people s knowledge on issues of the European Union, integration and cooperation in Europe;
- To help the solving of local problems by finding their European dimensions;
- To create a model for partnership between the municipality, citizens, non-governmental organizations, businesses, youth organizations and scientific community.

- Providing information about the history, institutions, law and policies in the European Union; about issues of Bulgarian integration with the European Union; official documents of the European Union and documents of bilateral relations between Bulgaria and the European Union.
- A quarterly bulletin Europe and Us intended for citizens. The bulletin informs about general issues of European integration, as well as introducing local events and European initiatives.
- A monthly bulletin EuroAccents intended for internal information of Sliven municipal officials. The bulletin aims at introducing the current issues in the field of European integration and contemporary European practices in solving local problems.
- European projects preparation and management of projects; organizing the establishment of working groups on priority municipal problems; creating appropriate conditions for the work of the groups - giving information and consultations, including external experts assistance; technical assistance.
- Cooperation with civil organizations, businesses, educational and cultural institutions for generating ideas, conducting preparatory work on the project and finding appropriate partners.
- Giving information about the European Union programs open for Bulgaria; materials and handbooks on developing projects.
- Education organizing courses in the area of European integration for diverse audience.
- Public events for promoting the idea of United Europe (lectures, seminars, conferences, discussions, etc.)

Access to information about European Union and integration process for municipal administration and citizens has been facilitated (four copies of the informational bulletin Europe and Us and the first copy of EuroAccents were issued; information was published on the MCEI web site and in the local network; various information was systemized and provided for use to municipal specialists and citizens; information has been disseminated by the media).

Municipal administration has been better informed about European programs, the opportunities they provide and the preparation necessary for joining these programs (information about programs was classified by area of activity; many examples for good practices in solving local problems of Bulgarian and international municipalities were presented; main issues in developing projects were formulated; MCEI took part in projects under the Program Ecos-ouverture Program, Technical Twinning between Bulgarian and US Municipalities, European Twinning Program etc.).

Consultations on project development have been provided for non-governmental organizations, schools and cultural institutes (MCEI took part in the preparation of projects under the Culture 2000 , Socrates , Leonardo da Vinci , Youth and a number of smaller programs).

Through its activity the Municipal Center for European Integration has supported the Municipality of Sliven in its work with young people (young people are working as voluntary collaborators of the Center; joint projects with youth organizations are being developed; as a joint initiative of MCEI and the D. Damjanov High School the first students Euroclub was founded in Sliven; discussions and debates for young people are being organised; information materials are prepared especially for pupils and students).

As partner of non-governmental organizations, MCEI has participated in organising and conducting different events (founding of local Eurointegration club; organizing a conference The Bulgarian Way Towards the European Union Opportunities And Challenges )

The birthday of MCEI coincided with conducting the Days of Europe in Sliven within a project financed by the Delegation of the European Commission in Bulgaria. In the course of a week a number of informational events, competitions and cultural events were organized; printed materials were produced and the film Sliven And The European Cultural Traditions was prepared. Answering the needs of local government in connection with Bulgarian accession to the European Union, MCEI seeks to enlarge its activity towards approximating local regulations to the European standards, preparation of projects and promoting European best practices as a source of positive experience, a basis for comparison and identification of own strengths.
Innovator: Nina Marinova
Publication Date: 08 November 2001
Nominations: 30
Nina Marinova
Senior Expert "International Programmes and European Integration"
Sliven - 8800
1, Tzar Osvoboditel Bld.
Tel:044 66 30 78
Fax:044 66 30 78



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