Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The structural reform in healthcare is of strategic importance for the whole country. The frequent changes in the legislative framework and its stage by stage implementation, as well as the confused and even missing information lead to dissatisfaction of the citizens. Local authorities work within certain limits set by their limited capacity and human resources. Informing the population regarding the healthcare system and the solution of specific citizen problems have become a necessity of regional scope.

Sveti Vrach Foundation implements the Health for Everyone Project in the form of information and consultation campaign in the area of the healthcare reform and the inolvement of citizens in the health insurance system. The main goals of the project are:
- Attaining a high level of citizen awareness in Plovdiv regarding the healthcare reform and health insurance;
- reducing the distance between the local authorities and the population;
- solution of specific cases of health insurance.

The Foundation team specifies and classifies the key problems of the population, adapts the information on the topic and plans the project activities. The stages of the work are as follows:
1. Creation of information and consultation bureaus

Owing to the cooperation with the Municipality of Plovdiv Healthcare Department and the medical managers who supported the idea, consultation bureaus are formed in 5 polyclinics in the city. The citizens obtain up-to-date information about the health insurance, put forward their questions, receive cooperation in administrative procedures for their registration in the health insurance system and the completion of the necessary documents. The consultations are free of charge. Through these bureaus feedback is achieved from state institutions - the questions which seek solution and clarification are posed before the National Insurance Institute and the National Health Insurance Agency and the local authorities concerned with healthcare.

2. Organising and developing a hot telephone line

A hot telephone line is set up, where direct consultations are obtained about health insurance. Questions and problems unsolvable at the present stage are collected, systematized and presented to the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Health Insurance Agency, and on the other hand citizens are directed towards the respective institutions to obtain the most up-to-date information.

3. Creation and dissemination of brochures related to the problem

The first cycle of thematic brochures starts, targeted at specific groups of people with regard to health insurance. Issues connected with the registration and the provision of the documents needed, the postponement of the reform and citizens s rights. With each change in the legislation the foundation is prepared to revise the printed materials appropriately. All brochures are preliminary consulted with specialists from the National Insurance Institute and the Health Insurance Agency in Plovdiv.

4. Lobbying before the state institutions and solution of key problems

Close relations are maintained with institutions and local authorities. A round table is foreseen to take place with the participation of citizens and NGOs, where the hottest issues will be put forward and unclear aspects of the healthcare reform will be discussed.

5. Involving the media in the coverage of the reform

The publication of information in the press facilitates the healthcare reform and the Foundation activity. The consultants are ready to take part in live performances in the most viewed cable TV station Evrokom and by direct telephone line to inform the public about the development and the legislative framework of the reform.

Five types of thematic brochures are prepared and disseminated with a print run of 1000 copies, which have reached 4000 households in the city. A real possibility exists that Health for Everyone campaign should turn into a sustainable practice applicable in other regions of the country.

Only three months after the campaign start, Sveti Vrach Foundation - Plovdiv through consultations on site in 5 polyclinics and a hot line contributes to an increased provision of information regarding the healthcare reform for the Plovdiv population. Effective dialogue both between the institutions themselves and between local authorities and citizens has been established. There is a real feeling of community and commitment to the implementation of the health reform. The media are engaged in publicising this activity and involving the public in a dialogue regarding the immediate registering of each citizen in the health insurance system.
Innovator: Еlena Hristozova
Publication Date: 15 May 2000
Nominations: 0
Еlena Hristozova
Plovdiv - 4000
26 "Bulair" St.
Tel:(032) 63 23 88
Fax:(032) 63 32 98



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