Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


The initiative put into practice the principles of the European Charter for Youth Participation in the Life of Municipalities and Regions; it has created mechanisms for young people s participation in the work of Varna municipal administration towards youth policy preparation, the development of tools for contacts and feedback among young people and their representatives, for needs assessment and activity coverage.
Publication Date: 01 July 2002
Nominations: 20

The project carried out a lobbying campaign for the creation of new organizational structure with the participation of chitalishta, NGOs, citizens and local authorities. As a result of the campaign, they established the first local fund for financial support of chitalishta in Bulgaria, with the direct help of Pleven Municipality. The fund was based on the principle of project application start to the satisfaction of community needs.
Publication Date: 15 June 2002
Nominations: 19

The Project creates conditions for establishing a working institution in aid of children at risk. It offers more information and raises the social awareness of the problems with children s delinquency, juvenile anti social behavior and develops the forms of early prevention through a system of activities coordinating the efforts of specialists.
Publication Date: 01 July 2002
Nominations: 29

Center Maria is a non-governmental organization defending the woman's point of view towards violence. Its mission is to render immediate assistance and emotional support to women and children suffering from harrassment. The Association works for raising the awareness of the public, the institutions, and the experts to violence on women and children, and to change public attitudes towards promoting amendments to existing legislation.
Publication Date: 15 July 2002
Nominations: 20

For three years now the team of the Information Point of the Council of Europe has proactively offered training and information on up-to-date topics, aiming to bring Silistra citizens closer to European standards and initiatives.
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 29

The Enlighteners Initiative Group, seeking different ways to accomplish its goals, has found associates and sponsors with the C.E.G.A. Foundation.
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 20

The White Rocks Demonstration Center, showing a rich exhibition of colour photographs, information materials and a Web-page related to the unique geological phenomenon of White Rocks, provided opportunities for tourism development in the municipality of Byala, utilizing local tourist resources and creating a favourable investment environment in the region.
Publication Date: 22 July 2002
Nominations: 21

The case of primary school "Kliment Ohridski" in the Municipality of Batak proves that cooperation between different institutions contributes to a faster and more effective solution of the problems of both local residents and those of central government. Funds from the State Budjet have been saved and the preservation of the school has preserved the image of Fotinovo Village as well.
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 19

The annual trade exposition "Made for you - Silistra", initiated and organised by the Municipality of Silistra, is an event with a strong impact in support of local businesses, and a key element in the municipal policy for stimulating local economic development.
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 20

As a result of the process of citizen participation and active search for partnership support, initiated by the Public Forum in Teteven Municipality, a Sustainable Development Center of Teteven Municipality was founded, which grew to become an active partner of local government and a driving force for the implementation of the municipal strategy.
Publication Date: 15 June 2002
Nominations: 5
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