Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


A key moment in the demonstration project for energy efficiency reconstruction of Dr. T. Venkova United Regional Hospital, Gabrovo, implemented by "Electrotek Concepts Inc.", USA and ЕnЕffect, Sofia in cooperation with the Municipality of Gabrovo, with the financial support of USAID, is the reduction of the used energy component in the hospital budget, and the municipal budget respectively. This demonstrates a financial mechanism through which the funds generated from the energy saving can be used to increase the hospital budget available and to improve the quality of medical services provided.
Publication Date: 31 January 2000
Nominations: 6
Pirin Tourism Forum, established by ten municipalities from the Pirin region with the financial support of the Know How Fund of the UK Government, works for the development of tourism in the region in harmony with the environment, local traditions and culture. A tourism database is developed, comprising a complete inventory of the tourism potential, on which the organization`s marketing and information strategy for the region is based. A large number of information and promotional materials are published and widely disseminated.
Publication Date: 07 February 2000
Nominations: 9
The Public - Private Partnerships' for Improving Local Economy" project creates a successful model for interaction with private investors. It ensures publicity and transparency at the bidding sessions held for awarding municipal property and leads to job creation and investments for infrastructure improvements in the Municipality of Gabrovo.
Publication Date: 31 January 2000
Nominations: 7
The Partners for Local Development Project - Madan is stimulating the dialogue between civic society and local authorities in the process of solving the main problems of the Municipality of Madan. The citizens` active participation and the achievement of unity of the community helps the solution of the existing problems in the Municipality. This is achieved for a short period of time and with limited financial resources. The small local supporting teams assist the successful implementation of numerous significant activities, as well as improve the social environment.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 4

The URBAN project facilitates the exchange of useful experience and the collaboration between regions with common problems and infrastructure. The project is based on new, contemporary management and information technologies. The application version of the Bourgas municipality sets the beginning of a GIS for monitoring and planing the environment of Bourgas. The system aims at optimizing the work of the municipal administration in this sphere and at providing the public with useful and meaningful information. Programs used are AutoCAD Map, ArcView, ArclNFO and ArcExplorer.
Publication Date: 22 June 1999
Nominations: 9

United by the idea of the present and future prosperity of the Municipality of Lovech, 19 NGOs, the Municipal Council and the municipal administration sign a cooperation agreement. This agreement is not only a unique experience for Bulgaria, but also an expression of a new-born civil culture of people responsible for the future of their municipality. This agreement leads to concrete steps and results.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 8

The Francophil citizens association was established in 1998 by a group of French teachers. Its activity attracts citizens who know and frequently use foreign languages. With the increase of the number of international contacts of the town, the association re-registers under the name Twinning Committee. The members of the Committee, in cooperation with the municipality deal with the establishment and the development of international contacts with foreign partners.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 5

The creation of a system for information services for the citizens in the Municipality of Lovech is achieved by opening an Information Bureau and publishing a Directory of Services and Information for Citizens. In order to enlarge and stimulate their participation in local government a Citizens Consultative Committee is established and a Cooperation Agreement between local self-government and 19 NGOs is signed. The efforts of the municipal administration are supported by the local media.
Publication Date: 06 July 1999
Nominations: 6
In five municipalities in the region of East Rhodopes Mountains are established informational and consulting centers for Private Initiative Development. These centers provide information to different private and state institutions about current changes in the Bulgarian legislation, offer alternative business solutions and strategic business planning.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 11
The Center for Development of the Municipality of Zlatograd in cooperation with the Employment Bureau implements the Start a Business Program. It provides business consultations for those who intend to start a business of their own and run a private company. The main goal of the Center is to stimulate the enterpreneurship activity in the region. The level of the alternative employment for the area is increased.
Publication Date: 15 September 1999
Nominations: 6
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