Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


The Devin Area Guarantee Fund was established under UNDP and is managed by the Devin Business Center. The Fund provides guarantees on bank loans to small companies or family businesses owned by women, as well as business training and consulting services to company owners. So far, the Fund has provided guarantees on 12 loans. As a result of this, the companies that were financed have established 64 new long-term jobs.
Publication Date: 01 August 2000
Nominations: 16

The performance of the Municipal Council in Madjarovo is improved by the functioning of four Committees, each consisting of five people. Specific for these Committees is that in each of them there is a specialist in the respective area, who can help with expert evaluation and with decision-making. Since the efficiency of this work organisation has been proven, the Municipal Council is considering to increase the number of specialists in each Committee up to two people.
Publication Date: 18 February 2000
Nominations: 13
Public Registers
- 20010234

In line with its aspirations to offer practical ways of improving citizen services quality, the Access to Information Program Foundation and the Socio-Economic Analyses Agency conducted a survey of Bulgarian public registers condition. The results of the survey were summarized in a Public Registers Manual which informs the citizens how to get references and services from municipal and court authorities.
Publication Date: 01 August 2000
Nominations: 11

The Municipality of Vidin established its web-page at The site is illustrated with photos and graphics and provides comprehensive information on the history, culture and landmarks of the city. Site visitors can find up-to-date information on the second bridge on the Danube and may contact the mayor via email. The team aspires to develop a wide range of services and to provide various information both to Vidin citizens and to potential investors.
Publication Date: 01 August 2000
Nominations: 11

The school network with Internet access allows the students to quickly seek and find information. The teachers are motivated to introduce new teaching techniques by utilizing modern electronic technology. On the other hand, the students are trained to use word-processing software and develop computer skills.
Publication Date: 12 May 2000
Nominations: 17

The Municipality of Bourgas has its own Internet-server, which is of paramount importance for keeping good communication and providing more information FOR and FROM the citizens of Bourgas. The municipality administration is more and more often seen, among other things, as an institution offering a range of services to the public. The Bourgas Municipality presents itself to world, with all its advantages and development opportunities.
Publication Date: 12 May 2000
Nominations: 10

Web-marketing in the Botevgrad Municipality is closely related to its progressive development. The accomplishment of the investment site resolves problems of technical, methodology, staffing and financial character. As a result of Bulgarian and French cooperation in the Orient 45 - W.M.A. Company, and as a gift to the municipality, an active, operational and cost-effective marketing strategy has been developed.
Publication Date: 17 May 2000
Nominations: 12
After the establishment of the Information and Municipal Services Center in the Municipality of Gabrovo, a successful practice of sending a Welcome Letter to all newly-registered residents of the town of Gabrovo is created. The letter encloses a package of information and useful materials about the Municipality. This is one of the ways to stimulate a better dialogue between local government and citizens and improve the municipal administration services.
Publication Date: 04 February 2000
Nominations: 17

NSRC s overall activity is innovative by itself. The organization s strategy is aimed at providing maximum assistance to disabled people and their social integration. NSRC has developed several functioning models: adaptation of public buildings to provide access to disabled people; social services within the community; socially-oriented transport system; day care centers for disabled children.
Publication Date: 17 May 2000
Nominations: 9

The Everything for Old Varna Project was designed to present the development of the community by means of the most authentic documents, the photographs. The project generates interest in the past and in rethinking the Bulgarian roots and trends in Varna s architecture, culture and lifestyle. By perpetuating events and processes, it also presents an authentic picture of the city s development.
Publication Date: 17 May 2000
Nominations: 12
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