For a long time before, the place of the new sports ground had been taken for a dunghill. Also, there were no fences, which helped the gradual ruining of the existing equipment. The sports area of Vardim were just few, which affected mainly the young people and children of the village. Lack of finance had stopped the municipality to undertake initiatives, directed to life improvement of young generations. With the Local Initiatives Project of the Municipality of Svishtov sprang up the idea of sports ground among a group of young people of the Village of Vardim. The Municipality supported and contributed financially to the idea. Together with the volunteer work of the local community, the project for sports ground Stefan Karadja became a reality.
The project found its realizations in several aspects: general cleaning of the work area, restoration of the green areas, building and reinforcement of the sports ground fences. The project also included sports equipment facilities, playgrounds for soccer, volleyball, handball, basketball, as well as a sandstone spot.
PARTNERS: Municipality of Svishtov, Municipality of Vardim, TEOMAT ET
The project built a sports ground where young people of the village have the opportunity to practice with sport equipment and facilities, built by themselves. The sport center is also used as a rest area for young mothers and their babies, and elderly people.
The project participants gained precious experience while working on the project.
Nowadays, the young people of the Village of Vardim have a place to improve their sport skills, the school could hold its sport classes outdoors, and all people of the village have a nice and beautiful rest area.