Foundation for Local Government Reform
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Charity in the name of the school one of the long standing traditions in Silistra
School Board of the "Otets Paisij" Primary School - Silistra

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The School Board of Otets Paisij Primary School is a non-profit organization, conducting educational and humanitarian activities. It was established in January 2000. Its main goal is to support the school process and continue the tradition of donation by parents. The school itself was founded in 1861 with funds collected by the church. One of the priorities of the school board was to renovate the old school premises and to give a hand to the school staff in resolving the every day problems. The condition of the school premises shows how much we are concerned about our children is the motto of the School Board work.

Because of the projects implemented with regard to environmental education, students, parents and teachers feel strongly against the unpleasant and unsightly classrooms and the school halls. Therefore in December 1999, the School Board started a charity campaign for renovation of the school building. The campaign gathered 1700 lv., part of which were immediately spent on new classroom windows.

Encouraged by the first successful activity, the members of the School Board enthusiastically took part in the preparation of the May school concert. It was decided that it would be a charity event. In addition, the board started to sell postcards that represented the school life. More than 500 people came to the concert and donated about 1100 lv. The donation was spent on repairing and complete renovation of three classrooms for the new first-graders.

In 2001, the School Board organized paid courses for the candidates for the high schools. These not only helped filling up the school budget, but also ensured additional employment for the best teachers of Otets Paisij Primary School. In May 2001, the school concert once again turned to be profitable. It was dedicated to the school 110 anniversary.

The enthusiasm of the School Board members passed on to the parents, who supported the school according to their possibilities with boxes of paint, latex, lime, or volunteer work.

The school year 2002 2003 started with three renovated classrooms, pleasant hallways painted in bright colors and a fully repaired roof. Parents and teachers supported by the Municipality of Silistra took part in the repair work. The pride and joy in all children s eyes was the reward for those who proved that charity for the sake of education is still a still living tradition in Silistra.

The students of Otets Paisij Primary School can now enjoy five renovated classrooms, a repaired building, and bright hallways. The School Board now builds a computer education room, repairing the school attic space which has remained unused for long years.
Innovator: Kamelia Racheva
Publication Date: 27 September 2002
Nominations: 2
Kamelia Racheva
Silistra - 7500
Peter Vichev St.
Tel:(086) 820 554



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