Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Heritage Trails
Municipality of Kavarna

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European Commission DG XXII (Department of Tourism) and UK experts supported the implementation of the project. Through it, two radically different heritage trails were created the first one went along the Dobrudja Black Sea coast and the second was located in the region of Dolenska Bela Kraina in Southern Slovenia.

The following were the main motives and directions for building the heritage trails on the territory of the Municipality of Kavarna:

1. Economic revival the heritage trails were built as an instrument for vitalizing the village economy. They expanded tourism outside the existing tourist centers, bringing it into traditionally underestimated regions. The trails increased the number of visitors, prolonged their stay, and diversified the attractions and services offered.

2. Local tourism development the heritage trails turned the natural and cultural heritage into supply assets, and converted them into an inseparable constituent of the development of the whole region.

3. Supplement to other tourist offers the heritage trails could contribute to the economy as a part of a regional program to provide larger variety of tourist offers on the target group markets.

4. Re-orientation this concept could be directed to other regions and countries with sufficient natural and cultural heritage and desire among the local population to benefit from tourism by preserving these values.

The international experience shared, the specialized trainings and the partnerships for sustainable development and tourism established in the Municipality of Kavarna have led to the creation and promotion of a valuable tourist product heritage trails which reflected the historical, natural and cultural heritage of the region.

Preparing and printing a guide-book, which presented nine exemplary routes, as well as a manual Heritage trails: renewal of the country through tourism , completed the project. The manual served those employed or interested in promoting tourism in the rural regions of Eastern and Central Europe. It demonstrates how a heritage trail could be planned, built, maintained and developed as an important economic activity, and advertised the regions not only on the internal, but also on the international tourist market.
Innovator: Demosten Demostenov
Publication Date: 31 January 2001
Nominations: 5
Demosten Demostenov
Kavarna - 9650
50, Dobrotitsa St.
Tel:(0570) 860 61, в. 26



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