Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Forests are among the most valuable nature resources of Bulgaria and due to their conservation importance over 65% of the state forests fall under the protection of the European environmental network NATURA 2000. In the last decades forest habitats are frequently affected by nature disasters (forest fires, windfalls, pests and diseases), illegal logging or clearings related to the development of big infrastructure projects (ski resorts, etc.). The data of the Executive Forestry Agency shows that the area of forests damaged by nature disasters for the last several years is more than 6,000 ha. Due to shortage of government funding many of the affected areas are left un-restored in a timely manner, while lack of adequate capacity is the reason for their inappropriate restoration (i.e. through the planting of monocultures). Very often the lack of natural regeneration, erosion processes, invasive species or other factors obstruct forests to recover naturally, which leads to loss of biodiversity and deterioration of the ecological functions of affected forest habitats. At the same time, Bulgarian society and private sector show growing interest in supporting the conservation and restoration of the Bulgarian forests.


The project had several main objectives including the development of a methodology for restoration of damaged forest habitats in valuable nature areas and its practical implementation in 3 pilot sites, development of online database with detailed information on damaged forests in Bulgaria, establishment of effective cross-sectoral partnerships as well as awareness raising. The project success in ensuring the needed expert capacity, securing funding and establishment of effective cross-sector partnerships can be defined as a best practice since they were the needed ground for achieving all the project results described below.


The following was achieved as a result of the implemented activities:

  • Development of online data base with detailed information on damaged forests in Bulgaria The interactive map provides actual information about the forests status stimulating the public society and the private sector to support the restoration and conservation of the Bulgarian forests via concrete actions and initiatives on local level.
  • Development and pilot implementation of methodology for restoration of forest habitats in NATURA 2000 sites – the methodology is developed by experts in the field of sustainable forestry and nature conservation. It comprises description and characteristics of all protected forest habitats in the country, analysis of the threats for their favourable conservation status, as well as recommendations for their restoration after natural disasters or disturbances from human activities. The methodology was presented to the competent authorities and experts and was tested for restoration of damaged habitats within the project.
  • Implementation and popularization of successful model for cross-sectoral partnership – within the project framework were established working contacts, partnerships and mechanisms for joint work. As a result over 35 ha forest habitats in NATURA 2000 sites were restored within Vitosha Nature Park and Western Rhodope region via planting of more than 120 000 seedlings, including work with volunteers. Based on the successful partnerships, attracted resources and the received support from the public and private sector, future projects and activities were developed as follow-up and multiplication of the achieved project results.


Contact infromation

Teodor Todorov

56 Neofit Rilski Str., apt. 1, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

Tel./Fax: ++359 2 986 70 46

[email protected]

Publication Date: 17 November 2011
Nominations: 0





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