Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The Municipality of Montana has developed a profound detailed Program on Energy Efficiency 2005-2007, which has been regularly updated. The Program is strictly followed in accordance with the planned measures and implementation period. In addition a specialized unit, comprising three municipal experts, was set up to professionally develop the program. The professionals analyzed the municipal expenses on energy in the last three years and based on the conclusions suggested project ideas to be included in the Municipal Program on Energy Efficiency and a Program on Renewable Energy Resources for 2005 - 2007
The Unit had also the responsibility to regularly update the data on the energy consumption of the municipal buildings during the planned period, to draft projects on energy efficiency measures and the usage of renewable energy resources for the Municipality of Montana and to prepare reports on the implemented approaches, evaluating the achievements and the energy savings.
The experts from the Unit have been working in partnership with the rest of the administrative departments. This enforces continuous trainings of the municipal staff on different topics related to the 2005 - 2007 Program implementations.
In the city of Montana, most of the municipal buildings are connected with the central gas distribution system which explains why most of the expenses come from heating energy. To identify the problems and their solutions, the Unit experts collected financial data on the payments for the last three years. They used the official Protocols, regularly prepared by the Montana Gas Company and examined and signed by the local government. In addition, the experts obtained official information on the electricity consumption in the municipal buildings. After the collected figures were processed, the main Program target group was identified - the schools in Montana.
During the time when the Program on Energy Efficiency was being developed, the municipal budget amounted to 14 498 827 levs, and no projects on energy saving measures were being implemented. Thus as a strategic first step in this area, the repair and renovation of the street electrical systems were planned and as well as the usage of energy saving lighting devices. The two Programs - for energy efficiency and for renewable energy resources were profoundly discussed by the city councilors in all the Standing Committees in the City Council. After that they were officially adopted. Yearly Action Plans were also developed as attributes to the 2005-2007 Program. They are supplied with bills of quantities related to current projects for each year.
The City Council voted for budget allocations of 190 000 levs from 2006 budget to secure the Action Plan implementation. These resources present 1,06 % from the total cost of the Program 17 795 000 and 7,5 % from all the capital expenditures of 2 544 685 levs for the year 2006. In addition to this, the budget allocated financial means for energy evaluation of three school buildings in Montana, which are included in the Action Plan ‘2006. Energy saving measures, as required by the above mentioned energy audit reports, for two of the schools were funded through the relevant program of the Ministry of Education and Science. The planned measures, suggested by the energy audit for the third school were funded though an ESCO company, established in accordance with a City Council Act and following the Law on Public Procurement. The financial help from the Agency for Energy Efficiency and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) secured the energy evaluation of two other buildings with an useful area of 1000 sq.m. Later, again thanks to a project funded by the MRDPW, the Municipality of Montana prepared the technical documentation related with the energy audit reports and ensuring the introduction of energy saving lighting systems in the city of Montana and 23 villages.
The Municipal Department for Sustainable Development and European Integration has the responsibility for drafting project proposals to be submitted under national and international donor programs. The department also includes the Chairperson of the Municipal Energy Efficiency Program Unit. The latter is in charge of the implementation of the required measures for energy savings.
In general, the annual data on energy consumption for each building is of essential importance for the update of the program and the elaboration of relevant project proposals. Thus the database covers several-year-period starting 2002 and reports the electricity and gas consumption of the buildings. As the Municipality owns and manages a number of premises, including these that are managed by other municipal units, the collected information covers all the buildings that are public municipal property and those with useful area over 1000 sq. m. This approach allows for timely control of the energy consumption per building as well as planning efficiency measures. What is more, if a comparative analysis based on the yearly data is made, increase or decrease in the energy consumption can be duly spotted and the relevant problems can be immediately fixed.

The introduction of such measures yielded 30% savings in the energy bills. The interesting fact is that the preliminary analysis results concise with those reported in practice. The buildings offer improved temperature conditions and comfort in accordance with the school temperature standards. The substitution of the old devices with new energy saving ones lead to equalization of the expenses for 2005 and 2006, at the same time the 2006 budget paid for 400 new lighting systems installation and 400 energy efficiency lamps. As a result, the street lighting in the city and 23 villages was improved.
At the same time, the target buildings, whose energy evaluation was funded by the 2006 budget allocations, are defined based on the profound analysis of the energy consumption in them and on the number of the final beneficiaries, who will enjoy the project results. Another important criterion for the building identification is the potential future of the buildings, in other words, what will happen to the buildings in the next five years, which is the paid-back investment period. In accordance with the Law, the energy evaluation of these buildings was supported by a City Council Act. Next, the companies, specialized in energy auditing were selected after their expertise and capacity had been carefully examined for Ministry authorization through the Agency on Energy Efficiency. Up to now, the Municipality of Montana has set the energy analysis to three companies, which have performed very professionally and reliably.
2006 was extremely successful for the city government in relation to the number of the projects implemented. The latter encouraged and induced a very positive attitude towards energy efficiency measures. These projects also mobilized the local support and efforts, which resulted in broad public support for the 2006 planned projects. The Montana Strategy combined not only the introduction of energy saving measures but the implementation of energy evaluations, the preparation of technical documentation for 2007 projects and after that. The existence of the sets of required documents will allow Montana to submit other project proposals under the relevant EU funds. The most important 2006 projects are:
n Preparation of energy evaluation and introduction of energy saving measures in a school building in Montana. The project is included in the Annual Program for Energy Efficiency ‘2006 and is supported by the City Council Act. It amounts up to 470 000 levs and is funded by an ESCO company with a pay-off period of 7 years.
n Substitution of street lighting system devices with energy saving ones and completion of the installation of such on the Montana territory - 800 devices are installed amounting up to 80 000 levs. The project is included in the Annual Program for Energy Efficiency ‘2006 and is supported by the City Council Act.
n Establishing of a radio command system for the street lighting, covering the whole city territory amounting up to 30 000 levs. This innovative project allows the achievement of extremely effective control on the city consumption during the different seasons. The project is funded by the municipal budget.
n Construction of a connection to the central gas system and reconstruction of the heating installation of the buildings comprising the Sports Complex ‘Ogosta’ amounting up to 80 000 levs funded by the municipal budget.
n Preparation for an energy evaluation of a school building in Montana and introduction of energy saving measures in a public school II in Montana, amounting up to 145 000 levs, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science and the municipal budget. The project is included in the Annual Program for Energy Efficiency ‘2006.
n Preparation for an energy evaluation of a school building in Montana and introduction of energy saving measures in a public school IХ in Montana, amounting up to 134 000 levs, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science and the municipal budget. The project is included in the Annual Program for Energy Efficiency ‘2006.
n Introduction of energy saving measures in the Youth House building, amounting up to 68 000 levs, funded by the UNDP program ‘Beautiful Bulgaria’ and the municipal budget. The project is supported by the City Council Act.
n Energy evaluation of a school building in Montana with over 1000 sq. m. useful area - Municipal Medical Center Ltd., amounting up to 10 000 levs funded by the Agency for Energy Efficiency.
n Energy evaluation of a school building in Montana with over 1000 sq. m useful area - Dentist Center funded by the MRDPW.
n Elaboration of technical documentation on energy efficient street lighting systems for the city of Montana and the villages amounting up to 20 000 levs, funded by the MRDPW. The project is of high importance for the municipality, not only it introduces efficiency measures, but also because it sets a model for managing the property of the street electricity poles: a matter of continuous discussion between the city leadership and the Electricity Distribution Ltd. - Pleven.
n Hard wall insulation of the School Gym in a public secondary school, funded by the UNDP program ‘Beautiful Bulgaria’ and the municipal budget. The project is supported by the City Council Act.
n Elaboration of a project proposal on ‘Installation of a heating system and building a connection with the central gas distributing system’ for two municipal public buildings, housing two social departments, funded by the MRDPW.
n Elaboration of a project proposal on ‘Installation of an inside ventilation system in the Center for disabled people in Gorna Vetrenitsa, funded by the MRDPW.
To sum up, it should be highlighted that in addition to all the planned projects, included in the Annual Program on Energy Efficiency ‘2006, the Municipality of Montana has successfully implemented 9 important initiatives in this area but not included in the Program. The total cost of the projects, included in the Annual Program on Energy Efficiency ‘2006, amount to 859 000 levs, 580 000 levs of which is paid through the municipal budget. The projects which are not included in the Annual Program have been either funded by outside financial resources or by the budget surplus at the end of the financial year. They amount to 236 000 levs.
The total costs of all the energy efficiency projects amount to 1 095 000 levs. Each of them has been supported by a proactive information campaign, launched by the Municipality, including: press conferences, presentations, consultations and discussions with the stakeholders. The main goal of the information coverage is to increase the public awareness on the importance of the effective energy management in order to successfully comply with the EU directives, legislation and national priorities.

Municipality of Montana
Tel. (++ 359 96) 300 400
Fax (++ 359 96) 300 401

Publication Date: 02 August 2007
Nominations: 0





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