Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Vratsa ’ s mayor , Voislav Bubev , signed a Social Pact with the largest Bulgarian business organizations: the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) and the Union of the Employers of Bulgaria (UEB). By this Social Pact, the parties express their desire to work together to :

· improve the economic climate in the region ;

· create a business advisory board (BAB) with representation of the regional offices of BCCI, BIA and UEB ;

· review the local regulatory regimes with the objective to reduce their number and to enhance the procedures ;

· review the opportunities for the optimization of municipal fees ;

· provide for transparency in procurement procedures and when leasing or selling municipal buildings and lots.

BAB was established in January , 2004, a work program and regulations for BAB were adopted.

BAB developed a Strategic Program for the Development of the Municipality of Vratsa in 2004 – 2007. The Program was then adopted by the municipal council in July, 2004 .

The activities initiated by the municipal leadership are consistent with the priorities and the goals of the Local Economic Development and Marketing of Bulgarian Municipalities Project. Also, the first municipalities that work under the project receive “Ready for Business” certificates. Their successes are discussed at different national and international forums. They demonstrate a new approach to local government, in partnership with businesses and NGOs, which is accepted in a positive way after so many year of working against each other instead of with each other. A group of municipal experts take the initiative to show the mayor and the municipal council the opportunities under the project. Upon going through all necessary steps, the municipality is included in the project .


A professional economic development unit was established in the municipal administration , staffed by a certified local economic development specialist .

The Municipality has developed a self - assessment and a comprehensive profile which is being updated on a regular basis .

The trained economic development specialists develop and maintain current municipal marketing materials . (In 2005, the Municipality was awarded best marketing profile certificate). The latest profile is available at .

The staff developed several brochures: “The investments of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Municipality of Vratsa” (under the Beautiful Bulgaria Project); “Foreign investments in the municipality of Vratsa ” ; “Municipality of Vratsa: investment profile ”.

Some of the experts ’ targeted , proactive activities include : business retention and expansion program and business visitation program ; periodically updated profiles of major companies and their products .

The municipality’s page on the common marketing website ( www . invest . bg ) has been developed and provides a link to www . vratza . bg ( for investors ).

The department is becoming organizer , coordinator and driving force behind the development of the 2006 – 2013 Municipal Development Plan and the annual actions plans for its implementation. The result is the in - house development of quality documents .

The information accumulated on the socio-economic development of the municipality, its potential and resources, provide opportunities for the formulation of good project proposals for national and European programs :

· 18 projects were developed in 2004, of which 12 were approved;

· 29 projects were developed in 2005, of which 21 were approved and 4 are pending review;

· 32 projects were developed in 2006, of which 11 were approved and 8 were submitted for review; 14 were rejected, 1 was not submitted.

· A survey of the municipal business environment was conducted in 2005, followed by a study of business investments in the municipality (2006) .

· Investments in 2005

· New company investments – BGN 12 million (own survey )

· New jobs created – 220

· New companies – 7 ( garments , trade in consumer goods , financial sector)

· Existing company investments – BGN 55 million (own survey): mining and processing, services, real estate, water and energy

· Total number of jobs created – 695 ( Source: NSI - Vratsa )

· Investments in 2006

· New company investments – BGN 15 million ( own survey )

· New jobs created – 280

· New companies – 14 (real estate, commerce, finance, tourism)

· Existing company investments – BGN 50-60 million ( own survey ): mining and processing, services, real estate, water and energy

· Total number of jobs created – 627 ( Source: NSI - Vratsa )

Contacts :

Municipality of Vratsa

3000 Vratsa , 6 Stefanaki Savov Street

Tel.: ++ 359 92/ 62 45 81, 62 45 82 ( switchboard )
E-mail: [email protected]

Mayor’s Office

Tel.: + 359 92 66 31 17;

Fax: + 359 92 62 70 85

E-mail: [email protected]

Voislav Bubev, Mayor

Marketing and Investment Projects Department

Tel .: + 359 92 62 72 68;

Fax : + 359 92 62 72 68

E - mail : bojinova @ vratza . bg

Violeta Bozhinova, Deptartment Head

Deca 011.jpg
Publication Date: 22 June 2007
Nominations: 0





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