Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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In July 2005 a sociological survey has been conducted among 116 students from the three schools within the municipality, as well as standard interviews with 148 young people between 18 35 years old. The results from the survey show that 60 % of the young people in the municipality feel good and enjoy their way of living; 60 % of the pupils and 40 % of the high-school students are positive about their future; 79 % of the first group and 61 % of the second think that they belong to the group of people who succeed in their lives. This positive attitude among the young citizens of the municipality came to show that the young people are the most active potential partners and drivers for change at the local level.

The idea to create a non-governmental organization of the young people was born as a result from the conducted survey. The organization could be reinforced as a working mechanism for youth participation in the local life and mobilization of the youth potential.


The idea for the establishment of the youth organisation has been largely popularised among the population of the municipality during informal meetings and discussions with the participation of representatives from the young people, local institutions, the municipality, business companies and the media. As a result from this campaign, a core group of young people was established informal leaders from the three largest villages within the municipality the villages of Mikrevo, Ilindentsi and Strumyani. These were the first members of the new youth organisation.

In December 2005 the first official session for the establishment of the youth organisation was held. 14 young people took part in this meeting, as well as the Mayor of the Municipality, representatives from the community centre board and the mayor of the village of Mikrevo. During the first set-up session of the organisation the associates agreed on their by-laws, mission and objectives and elected the managing bodies: General Assembly (14 people), Board of Directors (5 young people). The support on behalf of the municipality has been of great importance to the overall successful start of the initiative and motivated the young people to believe that their voice could be taken into consideration by all local policy-makers and institutions.

Through the project support and with the participation of the young initiators, a room space within the community centre building has been reconstructed and turned into the new office of the organisation. The office has been also equipped with computers, furniture and access to Internet, which provided good start for the future work of the organisation.

The project also supported the process of capacity building for the members of the association several training seminars were organised in the area of teamwork and teambuilding. The first actual steps of the organisation were the initiation of a series of public discussions and debates among the young people on questions like Why would we stay in Bulgaria and live in the Municipality of Strumyani? ; What is the potential for development of the young people in the municipality? ; What is the European Union and which are its main symbols? . The discussions were facilitated by members of the youth organisation and provoked strong interest among the young people.

Another initiative of the youth organisation, which once again confirmed the wish of the young people to participate in the local life and share their vision for the development of the municipality, was the organisation of the FORUM meeting. The main theme of the public FORUM was Local policies for development as a result from the active participation of the young people in the policy-formulation process . The main objective of the FORUM was to encourage open debate and public discussion between representatives from the civil society and the local government and institutions through identification of particular recommendations and ideas to each relevant institution, in order to improve the living environment at the local level. More than 25 people took part in the FORUM discussion representatives from the Municipal Council, the municipal administration, non-governmental organisations, local municipal structures, businesses, minority groups.

The Municipal Council ratified the European Charter on Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life and 2 representatives from the youth organisation take part in the regular sessions of the Council, thus ensuring access to information and representation of the interest of the young people at the institutional level.

The first project ideas developed by the new organisation are already a fact. The project helped the overall capacity building and mobilising of the youth potential at the local level.


The success of the project was strongly supported by many local institutions and organisations: the municipality, the Sv. Paisii Hilendarski elementary school, the mayoralty and the community as a whole. As a result from the unique and spontaneous initiative, an active group of young people decided to take their future into their own hands and participate in the decision-making process at the local level.

The initiative gave birth to the first youth organisation on the territory of the Municipality of Strumyani, which started to take active part and position within the local social and cultural life of the community.


Svetla Petseva

Project Coordinator,

Bratia Miladinovi community centre

Village of Mikrevo, Municipality of Strumyani

Tel.: (07434) 3058

[email protected]

Publication Date: 02 August 2006
Nominations: 0





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