Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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The results, which were achieved within the project's implementation are: independent premise for eco-club; the level and the impressions for the ecological culture of the students were defined 45 interviewed people; we attracted the attention of the society through the discussion 40 participants; diversifying of the forms of ecological activities by concurs for art pieces 25 children; exhibition on school s level; picnic among the nature and causeries 3 picnics with the participation of 25 children; heightening the information status of the population through elaborated and disseminated information-educational materials 250 copies; 4 radio shows; subscription to special literature 4 copies; cleaning and planting of the planned areas 3 times; planted flowers and decorative bushes over 3 decare area (together of all regions); organized participation of the kids in eco-club with elaborated program and ecological training and acquired knowledge of 30 children.

Total number of planted bushes and trees is 258, out of which: 42 box shrubs, 200 roses /community centers production/, 16 acacia trees /donation from the state forestry Svishtov/. After every action was organized students discotheque.

In the activity of the eco-club took participation 30 kids /15 bulgarians and 15 roms/, instead of the anticipated 20. Children worked with enthusiasm.

Qualitative changes, which came after the realization of the project are:

Activities initiated by the community center contributed to the improvement of the life environment of the people in the village;

The community center strengthened its positions as a center for interaction between citizens, local business and local authority in the sphere of environment preservation;

The community center turned into a center and engine of civil participation in the government of the environment in Kozlovets village, Svishtov municipality.

Innovator: Hristina Borissova
Publication Date: 10 January 2006
Nominations: 0
Hristina Borissova
Chief Expert
Svishtov - 5250

Tel:0631/ 608 34
Fax:0631/ 605 04



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