Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Traditionally Christmas feasts in Botevgrad are organized and held in the central town part at Osvobojdenie square. Main organizers usually are the municipality and Hristo Botev community center in Botevgrad. At the end of year 2004 pop up the idea these feasts to be took out to big suburban neighborhoods, where lives a big part of the population of the town mostly young people.


In the organization of the feast excepting employees of the municipality also took part pedagogical staff and students from schools and kindergartens. A preliminary program has been prepared, which was announced by posters and placards on every entrance of the blocks in the neighborhood and also in the local newspaper. A rich musical and artistic program was envisaged in every neighborhood, observing the fact that the performers are living there. The places for performance were preliminary defined and their decoration was most suitable to the holiday mood of the people living in that part of the town.

Every one had the opportunity of applying to participate in the program personally or to apply on behalf of his child or grandchild.

Head specialist of Culture department in the municipal administration was engaged to choose the participants.

Feasts were held in weekends Saturday and Sunday, which helped a bigger part of the working people to take part.

  • Many people living far from the center had the opportunity to participate in the feasts for a first time;
  • Much more people were engaged in the organization which brought more participants;
  • Every of the neighbors in all parts of the town had the feeling for its own feast which made them more responsible organizing and holding it;
  • The neighborhood feast allowed the smallest citizens to show their talent singing, dancing and acting without waiting for a large group of other people to go first as it was before;
  • The opinion that in this way could be organized Easter holidays and many others local shows was confirmed and backed up by all the citizens.
Innovator: Maya Tsanova
Publication Date: 10 January 2006
Nominations: 0
Maya Tsanova
Department Director "Administrative services and protocol"
Botevgrad - 2140

Tel:0723 / 6 66 20
Fax:0723/ 6 66 35



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