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Applying for a Young Explorers Grant is a two-step process. First, you must submit a pre-application form online. If your pre-application is approved, you will be sent an email with a link and a password giving you access to our full application online. The Young Explorers Grants Program accepts pre-applications throughout the year.
Open to: applicants aged 18 to 25 around the world with prior experience in the fields of research, conservation, or exploration.
Grants: range between USD 2,000 and USD 5,000.
����� ����: 8 March 2016
McKinsey offers you � talented women across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa � the unrivalled opportunity to explore the importance of women in leadership and the impact women leaders are having on the economy, to shape your own leadership styles by playing to your strengths and to understand how McKinsey can help you grow your potential. You will also have a chance to meet our consultants and participate in group sessions, workshops, and dialogues.
Open to: female students and experienced professionals across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
����� ����: 15 February 2016
The programme includes two 10-day training courses in London, UK (10-23 April, 2016) and in Berlin, Germany (11-24 September, 2016) and is run by skilled ex-Reuters journalists. Participants will also travel to Brussels and Frankfurt to meet policy-makers and journalists covering European financial and political affairs. The course will cover the following broader topics:
- Writing about emerging market economies;
- Markets reporting and covering companies;
- Practical exercises based on current European themes.
Participants will be expected to attend both parts of the course.
Open to: full-time professional journalists from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey
Venue: 10-23 April 2016 London, UK; 11-24 September 2016, Berlin, Germany
����� ����: 1 February 2016
Peace and Development Research at the University of Gothenburg is a leading site of interdisciplinary and action-oriented enquiry. The 50 researchers in the subject group take a broad range of approaches to peace and development, including but not limited to conflict research, critical security studies, gender analysis, human rights, global political economy, regional studies, and resistance studies. The aim of doctoral studies is to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct autonomous research within the field of peace and development.
Open to: researchers with an interest in development and/or global political economy.
����� ����: 15 February 2016
Applications are accepting the Arch Grants Global Startup Competition 2016. It is an international competition support services to the most innovative and scalable startups that are willing to locate their business in St. Louis, Missour.
Arch Grants is looking for innovative technologies, products, or services, wrapped within scalable business models with the potential to make national or international impact.
Funded startups in the following areas:
- Information Technology
- Hardware Technology
- Consumer Products
- Manufacturing
- Fashion
- Medical Devices
- Bio-Technology
- Agtech
- Social Ventures
- Competition Benefits