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����� ����: 31 ��� 2015 �. .
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����� ����: 26 February 2015. .
Funding Objective 1 aims at bridging missing links, removing bottlenecks, enhancing rail interoperability, and, in particular, improving cross-border sections. It addresses the following priorities:
- Pre-identified projects on the corridors of the core network (railways, inland waterways, roads, maritime and inland ports)
- Pre-identified projects on other sections of the core network (railways, inland waterways, roads, maritime and inland ports)
- Rail interoperability
- European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS)
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����� ����: 30 ����� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 1 ���� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 15 ����� 2015 �.
��� 5 ������������ ���������:
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- �����������
- Living Custom
- ������������ & ��������
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����� ����: 31 ���� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 28-05-2015, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Scope:�Research should analyse the economic, social, political and geostrategic challenges and opportunities - for Turkey itself and for the EU - of further integration of Turkey with the EU, taking into account the different forms this collaboration could take as well as its historical, socio-economic and cultural dimensions. Different scenarios and their consequences should be analysed, from the point of view of the strategic interests of both the EU and Turkey. This should include both internal and external dimensions, public debates on EU-Turkey integration as well as the analysis of impacts on relations with other global powers and with other world regions, in particular the Middle East, the South and East Mediterranean, and the Caucasus. Research should also explore the potential consequences of a lack of progress in building stronger ties between Turkey and the EU. It should engage civil society and citizens.
Broad participation of partners from Turkey and its wider neighbourhood countries in proposals submitted to this call is strongly encouraged.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
����� ����: 23-04-2015, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Specific challenge: Facilitate trans-national co-operation between NCPs within the Transport Challenge with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to programme applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors that make up the constituency of the Transport Challenge.
Scope: Support will be given to a consortium of formally nominated NCPs in the area of Transport. The activities will be tailored according to the nature of the area, and the priorities of the NCPs concerned. Various mechanisms may be included, such as benchmarking, joint workshops, enhanced cross-border brokerage events, specific training linked to the Transport Challenge as well as to gender dimension of Research and Innovation, and twinning schemes. Special attention will be given to enhance the competence of NCPs, including helping less experienced NCPs rapidly acquire the know-how accumulated in other countries.
The focus throughout should be on issues specific to the Transport Challenge, and should not duplicate actions foreseen in the NCP network for quality standards and horizontal issues under �Science with and for Society�.
Only NCPs from EU Member States and Associated Countries which have been officially appointed by the relevant national authorities are eligible to participate in and receive funding for this action.
The consortium should have a good representation of experienced and less experienced NCPs.
����� ����: 14-04-2015, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Specific Challenge: The development and integration of robust and fit-for-purpose digital technologies for learning are crucial to boost the market for and innovation in educational technologies.� This requires an industry-led approach in close cooperation with academia to defining the frameworks and interoperability requirements for the building blocks of a digital ecosystem for learning (including informal learning) that develops and integrates tools and systems that apply e.g. adaptive learning, augmented cognition technologies, affective learning, microlearning, game-based learning and/or virtual environments/virtual worlds to real-life learning situations. This challenge also encourages public procurement of innovative solutions to address the needs of the digital learning ecosystem in making better use of educational cloud solutions, mobile technology, learning analytics and big data, and to facilitate the use, re-use and creation of learning material and new ways to educate and learn online.
Scope: Activities will focus on innovative technologies for learning, on the underpinning interoperability standards and on the integration of different components into smart learning environments. They should combine different technologies (e.g. mobile, augmented reality, natural interaction technologies) and support composing, re-using and distributing interactive educational content and services, with assessment and feedback functionalities.� Based on technological advances enabled by research carried out so far, activities will support networking, capacity building and experimentations in methodologies and tools for data-driven, (including automated measurement of human-system interaction) non-linear approaches to adaptive learning and remediation technologies and cognitive artefacts (including toys) for effective and efficient human learning.�
����� ����: 24 February 2015 - 12.00�noon CET
Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects�are co-operation projects proposed and managed by a�partnership of key stakeholders in view of identifying, testing, developing, assessing new innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth, that have the potential of�becoming mainstreamed and giving input for improving educational and youth policies.
The projects should focus on innovation in practices and policies across educational and youth�fields. The specific aim of these activities is to provide in-depth knowledge on target group(s), learning, teaching, training or youth work situations and effective methodologies and tools that�help policies to develop, as well as conclusions relevant for policy makers in education, training and youth at all levels.
The present Call for Proposals supports projects in two strands:
- Strand 1 - Education and Training field
- Strand 2 � Youth field
The total budget available for the co-financing of projects under the present call is�EUR�17.000.000, and is divided in the following way:
- Strand 1 - Education and Training: EUR 15.000.000
- Strand 2 - Youth: EUR 2.000.000
Financial contribution from the EU�cannot exceed 75%�of the total eligible project costs.
The maximum grant per project will be EUR 500.000.
Eligible countries�
- the 28 Member States of the European Union;
- the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway;
- EU candidate countries: Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
����� ����: 24-02-2015, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Topic:�Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases. Prevention and treatment of lung diseases
Scope:�Proposals must focus on lung diseases and they must have an implementation science focus. They must address what works, for whom, under what contextual circumstances and are the intervention(s) adaptable and scalable in ways that are accessible and equitable. Proposals should generate new knowledge on interventions and their implementation for the prevention and treatment of lung diseases in LMIC, and/or in vulnerable populations in HIC[4]. Proposals must focus on existing approaches to prevention and control of lung diseases or develop treatments at lower costs. They should demonstrate a sound understanding of the local health system context as well as the global cross-sectorial context.
Topic:�ERA NET Collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system
Scope:�Proposals should coordinate national and regional programmes for research in the area of brain-related diseases by implementing a transnational call with EU co-funding resulting in grants to third parties.
Proposals should also aim at improved collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities and will provide concrete plans for decreasing fragmentation, for data sharing, for promoting common data elements for the establishment of patient registries, for addressing hurdles for effective coordination, for involving stakeholders and relevant existing initiatives. Proposals should consider and may build on previous EU-funded projects supporting ERA-NETs.
Topic:�ERA NET: Antimicrobial resistance
Scope:�Proposals should be central to the effective coordination of joint research funding in the area of AMR. Proposals should coordinate national and regional programmes in order to implement the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the JPI AMR through a transnational call with EU co-funding resulting in grants to third parties.
Topic:�ERA-NET: Cardiovascular disease
Scope:�Proposals should coordinate national and regional programmes for research in the area cardiovascular research by implementing a transnational call with EU co-funding resulting in grants to third parties. Moreover, proposals should also aim at the better collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities and should provide concrete plans for decreasing fragmentation, for data sharing, for addressing hurdles for effective coordination, for involving stakeholders and relevant existing initiatives.
Topic:�Towards sustainability and globalisation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases
Scope:�Proposals should support the development and extension of the JPND capacities
����� ����: 28-04-2015, 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Objective: The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and the development of innovation.
The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes.
Scope: RISE involves organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe (EU Member States and Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries).
Support is provided for the development of partnerships in the form of joint research and innovation activities between the participants. This is aimed at knowledge sharing via international as well as inter-sectoral mobility, based on two-way secondments of research and innovation staff (exchanges) with an in-built return mechanism.
The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of the joint research and innovation activities by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members.
The proposed research and innovation activities should exploit complementary competences of the participants, as well as other synergies, and enable networking activities, organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate sharing of knowledge, new skills acquisition and career development for research and innovation staff members.
Activities can focus either on one dimension of mobility (intersectoral / international), or include a combination of both.
Exchanges can be for both early-stage and experienced researchers' levels and can also include administrative, managerial and technical staff supporting the research and innovation activities of the proposal.
Support for the exchanges between institutions in the EU Member States and Associated Countries covers only inter-sectoral secondments.
Exchanges with institutions from third countries can be inter-sectoral secondments as well as secondments within the same sector.
No secondments between institutions located in third countries or within the same EU Member State or Associated Country can be supported.
Expected impact:
- Research and innovation activities under RISE are expected to build or enhance new and existing networks of international and inter-sectoral cooperation. They will significantly strengthen the interaction between organisations in the academic and non-academic sectors, and between Europe and third countries.
- In terms of knowledge sharing and broad skills development, they will better align different cultures and expectations, with a view to a more effective contribution of research and innovation to Europe's knowledge economy and society.
����� ����: 17 ���� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 15 �������� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 31 ���� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 1 ���� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 1 ���� 2015 �. (�� ������������ ��������)
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����� ����: 05-05-2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Scope: To identify, develop and deploy replicable, balanced and integrated solutions in the energy, transport, and ICT actions through partnerships between municipalities and industries.
Expected Impact:
The proposals are expected to have the impacts described below:
- deploy wide-scale, innovative replicable and integrated solutions in the energy, transport, and ICT;
- trigger large scale economic investments with the repayment of implementation costs in acceptable time lines (to facilitate the bankability of the projects);
- increase the energy efficiency of districts and of cities and foster the use of renewables and their integration energy system and enable active participation of consumers;
- increase mobility efficiency with lower emissions of pollutants and CO2;
- reduce the energy costs;
- decarbonise the energy system while making it more secure and stable;
- create stronger links between cities in Member States with various geographical and economical positions through active cooperation.
It is envisaged that the proposals will also bring societal benefits:
- reduction of energy bills for all actors and especially for citizens and public authorities;
- Increase quality of life by creating local jobs (that cannot be delocalised) in cities;
- Increase air quality.
Total Call Budget�107,180,000
Deadline Date05-05-2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Scope: Today the standards are developed for specific components or areas such as smart meters, smart grids, ICT etc. With the development of integrated solutions of Smart Cities and Communities a system approach is needed. Furthermore through standardisation the solutions identified by smart cities and communities can envisage costs reductions. It is expected that this work is carried out by the industries cities and communities contributing to the Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership in cooperation with the European Standardisation Organisations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) as well as other Standard Developing Organisations (SDOs) responsible for technical specifications in the area of Smart Cities. Social acceptance of developed solutions might be considered.
����� ����: 20 �������� 2015 �.
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����� ����: 14 �������� 2015 �.
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