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non-governmental organizations are invited to submit nominations for the
2003 award. Nominated individuals should "embody the characteristics of a
human rights hero, someone strategically struggling to improve human
rights." The RFK Center for Human Rights seeks to broaden the general
public's understanding and perception of human rights as including
economic, social, and cultural rights, rather than just political and
civil rights. To that end, the Center welcomes nominees who have committed
themselves to insuring that the right, for example, to basic health care
and education are respected as part of the spectrum of universal human
Persons working to promote and protect human rights of any race, creed,
religion, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation are eligible for the
award. Those working within their own country's social change process and
who have worked strategically and effectively to address serious human
rights problems are given the highest priority. There are no geographical
restrictions and no limit to the number of nominations an individual may
Complete nomination guidelines and forms, as well as information on
award laureates, are available at the program's Web site.
Contact: The fellowship is intended for people who have initiated, led, or
impelled innovative projects: leaders and entre- preneurial talents from
all sectors of society -- business, the public and nonprofit sectors,
science, culture, sports, or social services. Fellows are given the
opportunity to obtain valuable knowledge and expertise and build up
extensive networks through selective training and a wide range of project
work in a variety of divisions and at different locations within the
Bertelsmann group of companies. Fellows are expected to expand on their
exist- ing potential and apply their experience to projects in their own
field of activity.
Fellows receive a stipend and housing. The next fellowship program will
begin April 1, 2004.
Detailed program and application information is available from the
program's Web site. ������
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Agency for Bulgarians Abroad
BULGARIA, 2� Al. Dondoukov
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Mr. Patric Egan
����: 36-1-185-0985
e-mail: [email protected]
511 C
Washington, DC 20002
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Canadian Embassy
Cooperation Section
36, Nicolae Iorga St.
71118 Bucharest ,
tel: (40-1)222-9845; 093-267-851
e-mail: [email protected]
Canada Fund Officer
Canadian Consulate
11, Prof. Assen Zlatarov St.
1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel (cell): +359-88-345-142
e-mail: [email protected]
�������� ����������
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02/ 946 19 13
e-mail: [email protected]
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(40-1) 222-9845
����: (40-1) 3113129
e-mail: [email protected]
1504 �����, ��������
Technical Cooperation Section
36, Nicolae Iorga
71118 Bucharest, Romania
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���.: 971 34 37, 971
27 08
����: 971 10 95
����� ����: 15 ����� 2003 �.
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award is designed to identify and honor
those people who embody Robert Kennedy's belief in the power of individual
efforts to overcome injustice. The program annually provides a total cash
prize of $30,000 to the award recipient.
Oriana Roberts
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
Tel: (202) 463-7575, ext. 237
E-mail: [email protected]
����� ����: 1 ��� 2003 �.
Reinhard Mohn Fellowship, a program of Bertelsmann Global Media, selects
up to five talented people from all over the world for a twelve-month
fellowship of in-depth project work and training in a global media company
to strengthen leadership and entrepreneurial skills for executing future
projects. The program is designed to sponsor "high achievers who have
shown innovative performance, visionary ideas, and a commitment to socio-
political issues in projects of their own."
RFP Link: http://www.reinhard-mohn-fellowship.com/
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