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Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender persons (LGBT) may be among the last marginalized groups in Southeastern Europe for whom open derision, disdain and the denial of basic rights goes widely unnoticed. The extent to which LGBT persons must hide their sexual orientation and deny their sexuality continues to be profound. This extends to discrimination and lack of equity in access to appropriate health services. Many LGBT individuals do not feel able to reveal their sexual orientation to physicians, leading to inappropriate health advice and, in many instances, a reluctance to seek health care. The consequences of this discrimination include foregone treatment and lost opportunities for any kind of preventive health care.
How to apply
Interested organizations should submit a three-page LOI containing the following information:
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1. �������� �� �������������� - Grant Application Form (Word format)
2. ����������� �� ������� �� �������� - Project ID Sheet
3. CV �� ����������� � ������� - CV Format
4. ������ �� ������� �� �������� - Budget (Excel format)
5. ��������� ����� �� ������� - Logical Framework (Word format)
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Promoting Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Communities in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia and Montenegro
����� ����: 9 ��� 2004 �.
The Open Society Institute�s Public Health Programs is soliciting letters of intent (LOI) from organizations in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia & Montenegro to undertake activities leading to improved health in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities. The LOI should contain the information outlined below in fewer than three pages. Organizations whose LOIs are selected will be then requested to submit a full proposal. Technical assistance in proposal development may be provided as needed.
OSI is soliciting project proposals from non-governmental organizations seeking to improve some aspect of health of the diverse LGBT community. Preference will be given to initiatives that use health assessments and policy analysis to devise, advocate for, or monitor LGBT-friendly health policies. Activities to develop institutional capacity to design, implement and/or assess such activities will be considered. Applications from consortiums are encouraged.
- Organization name and contact information;
- Mission statement and brief history of the organization, as relevant to the proposal;
- Names and curricula vitae of proposed project staff;
- Overview of project: objectives, brief description of activities and expected outcomes;
- A brief analysis of the socio-political environment for advancing LGBT health policies;
- Major partner institutions, if any;
- Estimated budget not to surpass $25,000.
LOIs should be submitted to the address below by July 9, 2004.
Heather Doyle
Open Society Institute
Network Public Health Programs
[email protected]
+ (1) 212 548 0659
Any queries may be submitted to the same address.
All LOIs received by the deadline will be reviewed by a committee consisting of OSI staff and LGBT activists from Eastern and Western Europe. Response letters will be sent to all applicants by July 23rd. Selected LOIs will be developed into full proposals by September 30. Grants will be made in November.
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