Foundation for Local Government Reform
National information campaign
visits: 2519

The Foundation for Local Government Reform in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform, the Ministry of Environment and Waters, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Economy and Energy organises a national campaign aiming to provide overall information on the existing possibilities for the Bulgarian municipalities within the Operational programmes (OPs) 2007 2013.

This campaign will cover all 6 planning regions of the country and each municipality will have the chance to take part according to the relevant planning region it belongs to. The campaign is the first of its kind for Bulgaria - targeting especially municipalities,
district administrations and the Regional Development Councils within the country, and creating good conditions for all local and regional actors to get to know the overall logic of the Operational Programmes, as well as get familiar with the specific priorities and measures under which municipalities will be eligible beneficiaries. Another added value of the initiative would be that Managing Authorities of the Operational Programmes will advice the local and regional actors on the necessary steps and preparation they will have to go through - in the context of the future successful participation in the OPs.

After the end of the information campaign FLGR will prepare a publication, which gathers all the presentations and materials from the information days and could make a good reference book for the municipalities.

The information days in the planning regions

South-East Planning Region - Sofia, 17 March 2006

South-Central Planning Region Plovdiv, 21 March, 2006

South-East Planning Region - Jambol, 22 March 2006

North-Central Planning Region Gabrovo, 28 March 2006

North-East Planning Region - Shoumen, 29 March 2006

North-West Planning Region Montana, 4 April 2006

For more information on the national campaign, please contact Marina Dimova, Programme Coordinator, e-mail: [email protected] 

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