In the framework of the project the training manual "Restore the Health of Your Organization - a Practical Guide to Curing and Preventing Corruption in Local Governments and Communities", by Fred Fisher, Ana Vasilache and Nicole Rata, will be translated into Bulgarian and disseminated among municipalities, regional authorities and trainers, that work in the field of local government, regional associations of Bulgarian municipalities, professional associations of municipal experts - PR, secretaries of municipalities, jurists; NGOs, representatives of the media.
This Guide is the result of an initiative by Partners Foundation for Local Development (FPDL) supported by the Local Government Initiative Program (LGI) of the Open Society Institute and by UN-HABITAT.
As the authors say in the foreword, "Why the focus on local governments? While decentralization and the adoption of democratic self-governance processes at the local level have brought the promise of better governance, they have also spawned opportunities for decentralized corruption. When local governments ignore the need for transparency and accountability systems, they provide new temptations for the misuse of public offices for personal gain."
And more: "... corruption exists in all countries; however, it tends to be more damaging in poor countries thus adding an additional challenge to local governments in these countries. Corruption undermines institutions, thwarts the rule of law, is a disincentive to investors, and results in inequitable distribution of wealth and power."
This Practical Guide describes a strategic approach to curing and preventing corruption and provides a set of tools for local leaders to use in the planning and implementation of their plan of action. In addition to their commitment and courage to restore the health of their organization and community, they will know how to:
- - Identify and treat, with priority, the most damaging and dangerous forms of corruption;
- Change corrupt systems not (only) corrupt individuals;
- Elaborate short, medium and long term objectives for their anti-corruption strategy;
- Work with employees, as well as with the community members, in a participatory process, to collect and analyze data on corrupting practices, and identify curative actions;
- Work with an external consultant, or facilitator, who would provide assistance in conducting the corruption-curing intervention.
The goal is after disseminating (on paper and electronically through the FLGR's online library) the manual to organize and carry out a Round Table (August 2007), entitled "New ideas and practical approaches in the field of anti-corruption" with participation of local government officials - mayors, chairs of municipal councils, local government administrations - vice mayors, other state servants, representatives of Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform, NGOs, journalists.
FLGR team believes that a broad public discussion on the theme of fighting anti-corruption at local level and active citizen participation in decision making process at local level, discussion of the conflict of interest resolution and transparency in the risk areas of the work of municipal administrations will be extremely useful, especially having in mind the forthcoming local elections in Bulgaria in autumn 2007.