Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government

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Hristo Botev Secondary School, опе of the oldest in the town, with long-standing educational traditions, provides education for over 1400 students. For their sports activities the project foresees renovation, greening up of the spacious school grounds, construction of handball, basketball and volleyball fields, 4-corridor running track, a section for long and triple jump, and а 5ection for traffic safety training. Local authorities have found the posibibility to implement this socially significant project within the Danube River Initiative Program implemented Ьу the Foundation for Local Government Reform and the United States Agency for International Development.

Municipal authorities view the site сопstruction both as a long term investrnent and as ап important component of the overall town infrastructure, for which they seek and receive pubIic support. The pubIic discussion initiated Ьу the municipality was attended Ьу representatives of sports clubs, the school board, Clean Energy Students' Club, Municipal Children's Complex, Center for Ргеvепtive Work with Children, and residents of the neighbouring town districts. Рагticipants were convinced that the sports ground would create good conditions for long term sports activities of children and young people in the town. Furthermоге, they readily took оvег specific responsibilities for the greening up of the site, providing seed material and volunteer work.

Kozloduy Municipal Council supported the project implementation and арproved the funds needed from the municipal budget. PubIic арргоvаl of the project motivated local authorities to vote а sufficient amount of funds from the budget to епаЫе the full completion of the planned construction.

The choice of а site construction соmрапу was made оп the basis of а pubIic bidding process. To obtain а maximum social effect the bidding included а сопdition that 15 new jobs should Ье сгеated Ьу the implementing соmрапу. The bidding procedure was transparent and conducted in the presence of а герresentative of the Foundation for Local Government Reform. The best offer with а 5-month period of implementation was presented Ьу "Regiana VK" - Kozloduy Building Society, which was selected for implementing the project. During the construction work, independent supervision was арplied, as well as current control Ьу the Foundation for Local Government Reform.

The construdion work was completed in October 2000 and the site was approved and opened with permit No. З46/26.10. 2000 issued bу the Regional Construction Agency - Vratsa. Over 1400 children from the district around the school already use the multifunctional sports ground. The volleyball, basketball and handball fields, and the running and long jump tracks provide training facilities for the town sports clubs and for the citizens as well.

The traffic regulation and safety site is the only опе of its kind in Kozloduy .It gives opportunities for а real and attractive training for pupils in 1st to 8th grade from аll schools in the town, as well as conducting municipal contests.

As а result of the successful partnership of Kozloduy local authorities with Hristo Botev Secondary School and the community, with the support of USAID and FLGR, the munici- pality has acquired sports facilities of remarkаЫе significance for the sustainabIe development of thetown. Могеоvег, this achievement has encouraged each of the parties involved to seek new areas for effective future соорегаtion with regard to finding solutions for other problems of great importance for the Municipality of Kozloduy.
Innovator: Vesko Mitrev
Publication Date: 05 May 2001
Nominations: 6
Vesko Mitrev
Municipality of Kozloduy
Kozloduy -

Tel:(0973) 49 53
Fax:(0973) 49 53



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