Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
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The Concord Women s Association was established on December 28, 1870 by prominent local ladies. Its first chair was Elena, Aleko Konstantinov s grandmother. On December 12, 1995, 40 women party to the Society s history and goals, gathered at the city library. All of them unanimously embraced Dr. Neli Konova s idea to restore the Society. They discussed new by-laws, identified a monthly membership fee and elected a board of directors. The board is chaired by Mrs. Krustina Voynova, with Dr. Neli Konova a vice chair. Nadezhda Vassileva, Anastasia Pavlova, Zaharina Vulcheva and Tamara Bogdanova, four of the living members of the former Society, were elected honorary members to the new one.

The Society gladly accepted the free legal services offer made by Mr. Armenko Belyashki. Old documents related to the history of the Society were traced and actions for the return of its property were taken. Formerly, the Society owned the Ts. Eleonora Girls School. The school was established and funded by contributions from Society members. A positive decision on the claim is expected. Former school students were found and an exhibition was made from their photos, personal items and documents related to school life.

The restored Women s Society began its activities by a spontaneous visit to the old people s home. There, Society members gave the residents home-made Christmas candies. To take care of lonely people, the Society has spent BGN 600 donated by its members. At Christmas, Society members found lonely people and donated them food packages. On the same occasion, Society members decorated three Christmas trees in the city. The children at the Alekovo orphanage were given clothes and bed covers, home-made slippers, and one of the children even got new winter shoes. Twice, at Christmas, there were children art contests, where many children from different schools got various prizes.

At Easter, Society members visited Besarab students at the Academy of Economics in the city and brought them Easter eggs and gifts. The Society organized two bazaars for second-hand clothes and shoes and used the revenue for charity. When a blind child needed help, the Society took part in organizing a charity concert and helped collect BGN 160. Together with BGN 50 from separate donations, the money was used for the first stage of the child s treatment.

So far, the Society has had only one sponsor from Pleven. Of all companies that were asked, only Metalsnab provided financial support. Society members used their personal connections to get donations. For example, when it turned out that a radio announcement would be too expensive, the participants planned to negotiate free support. Local journalists are interested in its activities and call to find out more.

The Concord Women s Association has focused its efforts on the restoration of cultural traditions related to holidays such as Babinden, March 3rd, Annunciation and the Leaders of National Revival Day. It is also trying to revitalize and support museums, community centers, monasteries and churches in the city and the region. The Society was actively involved in the opening of a new museum, the Samokovliev Old City House. The Society organized a promotion of The Border, a book by Svishtov-born US immigrant Georgi Gounev, who in turn donated 50% of book sales revenues to the Society. As the Society has no offices, the meetings are held in places related to the topic of the discussion. The Society is planning to do some research and get more information on the life and the deeds of the people that Svishtov has named its streets after.

Society representatives participated in conferences organized by the Bulgarian Women s Union: a recently held conference Equality of Sexes in Bulgaria, sponsored by the Conrad Adenauer Foundation, as well as a 1999 conference on ideas for the Children Protection Act.

The Concord Women s Association is cooperating well with the Municipality of Svishtov. The Municipality has allowed the Society to use its conference room. Also, the Mayor and the Member of Parliament from the region have invited Society members to a breakfast meeting.

The Society has a free blood-pressure measuring facility. It is located in one of the rooms of the former maternity hospital. Former medical staff that are Society members each spend a day there every week. Daily, 30 to 40 people take advantage of this service.

The Concord Women s Society has established itself as a well-known organization in the city of Svishtov. A successor to the old Renaissance tradition, it now has 123 members and membership applications are submitted every day. None of the members seek personal benefits, as they well want to do something for the city and its culture and for the people who need support. One of the Society s goals is to attract young women and to its best to restore the values of the proud Svishtov women of the past.
Innovator: Dr. Nelly Konova
Publication Date: 01 August 2000
Nominations: 3
Dr. Nelly Konova
Vice - Chairman
Svishtov - 5250
10, D. Anev St.
Tel:(0631) 32 140, (02) 721 562



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