Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Let s Give a Hand, Kresna
Kurtura Chitalishte

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The observations on the communication between the disadvantaged people (unemployed, disabled, retired and poor) and the different municipal departments indicate that many people gather in one room and that fast service is unavailable. The study demonstrated that there is a pressing need for a way of enhancing people s access to municipal services. As a citizen association, the community center has experience in working with groups and may become the most effective mediator in this communication. The community center team decided that a way should be sought to give a hand to these people. As a result, the team developed a project aimed at improving the interaction between citizen and local government. The project was implemented under FLGR s Social Environment Improvement Program, with the financial support of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.


The premises where the services would be delivered were renovated. The necessary equipment (a computer and a copier) was purchased, signs were placed, information materials were printed and cable Internet was installed. The project team was trained on the requirements of the different municipal departments; the project coordinator and the project assistant went through basic computer training.

The official opening of the center was on December 1, 2003, with a ceremony and a cocktail party. Presentations about the purpose of the project and its activities were delivered in all villages in the municipality, as well as at the Disabled Persons Club in Kresna. Announcements were constantly broadcasted on the local TV and radio stations. Special brochures describing the services available at the center were printed and disseminated. The partners under the project, the Municipality of Kresna, the Municipal Social Assistance Office, the Labor Bureau, the Municipal Agriculture and Forests Office, the Post Office and Interoil Ltd. were all involved in the dissemination of the information.

Two major groups of activities were implemented under the project: delivery of administrative, consulting and information services; and activities within the established Continuity Club. The citizens received quality services for free (filling of different forms; complaint writing; xeroxing; printing; legal advice by a lawyer; information on the requirements and the amendments of various legislative acts regarding the functioning of the municipal departments). Until now, no one had ever offered such services to the citizens.

The purpose of the second group of activities was to provide for continuity of the region s traditions. The women in the folk ensembles of the community center taught children to sing authentic songs, transferred their skills in the cooking of Christmas round breads, the decoration of Easter eggs, the knitting of martenitsas. Club members participated in concerts on various occasions. The Club also began organizing exhibitions and competitions of items made by its members.


A new model of interaction between citizens and local authorities was developed. The community center became an intermediary in this interaction. The enhanced access to administrative, consulting and information services improved the social environment, boosting the self-confidence of the disadvantaged people.

The community center initiated a new, unknown so far activity. The Continuity Club provided a new form of communication between adults and children.

The team s professional skills were improved. The delivery of services to the citizens generates revenue for the center. The equipment purchased and the partnership developed provide for sustainability of the results.

For additional information, please contact :

Vassilka Stoyanova


Kultura Popular Community Center

100, Makedoniya Street

2840 Kresna

Tel.: (07433) 2208, (088) 964 6483

Email: [email protected]

Innovator: Vassilka Stoyanova
Publication Date: 16 September 2004
Nominations: 0
Vassilka Stoyanova
Kresna - 2840
100 Macedonia str.
Tel:(++359 7433) 22 08; (++359 889) 64 6483



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