Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government
Improving Public Services Transparency
Mladost District - Municipality of Sofia

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The Mladost District administration is committed to fully meeting citizens requirements and to proving by its actions that it is a good organization, responsive to citizens problems and always open to change and improvement.

Our daily operations demonstrate that the citizens are not well informed about the municipal structure, functions and services. In order to clarify the wrongful, and often non-existent information on the activities of the district administration, the Mladost Area designed and started publication of a newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to make the municipal services more accessible.

The Municipality of Sofia s Mladost District administration is convinced that the existence of good communications is a pre-requisite and basis for cooperation between local government and citizens, as well as an important condition for the development of democracy at local level.

The newsletter is aimed at assisting the citizens in finding the information they need, at providing needed and useful reference information for their daily needs. The newsletter describes the major municipal activities, service delivery stages, staff competencies, required documents, ordinances and regulations issued, delivery timeframes and fees.

The newsletter has eight sections that describe the services provided by:
Administrative and Legal Services Department;
Municipal Property and Housing Directorate;
Economic Activities Directorate;
Environment, Cleaning and Afforestation Directorate;
Education, Culture and Healthcare Department;
Illegal Construction Department;
Architecture and Public Works Department;
Cadastre and Regulation Office.

The newsletter also provides useful contact information to its readers.

The newsletter is published in a 10,000 circulation and is distributed for free at key points in the area administration s building (gate, Admission Office, Bookkeeping Office), as well as in the lobbies of healthcare institutions and by mail.

The implementation of this project is expected to improve the quality and the efficiency of services delivered by the area administration, to enhance service reception by the citizens and to encourage citizen participation. The clear description of the services and the open access for citizens will significantly reduce the pre-requisites for corruption.

Although it is quite early to evaluate the results, the newsletter has generated a lot of interest among the citizens. The media have also reacted positively and have commented on the idea of developing and disseminating similar publications aimed at:
increasing citizens awareness of their rights, of the requirements related to the delivery of local government administrative services, and of municipal bodies structure and functions;
establishing the basis for citizen control on local government activities, in order to curb corruption.

The Mladost District newsletter is an effective supplier of information to the citizens. By using it, the citizens get enhanced access to services and save a considerable amount of time.
Innovator: Manoela Georgieva
Publication Date: 12 May 2000
Nominations: 21
Manoela Georgieva
Sofia - 1712
Mladost 3, 1 Sveto Preobrazhenie St.
Tel:(02) 772 056, 764 651
Fax:(02) 772 038



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